amt_project (old location)
Bastova, 1
+42 1254410998 FAX +42 1254410998
Ilona Nemeth
dal 20/10/2010 al 10/12/2010
wed-frid 1-6 pm

Segnalato da

amt project


Ilona Nemeth

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Ilona Nemeth

amt_project (old location), Bratislava

For the show at amt project, Nemeth has chosen two phenomena, interesting her for a longer time, unused architectonical objects, that for a certain period of time served to entrepreneurs, and a family archive of her own family members.

comunicato stampa

For the show at amt _ project, ilona nemeth has chosen two phenomena, interesting her for a longer time, unused architectonical objects, that for a certain period of time served to entrepreneurs, and a family archive of her own family members.

The architectonical objects from dunajská streda, placed in private gardens, on the land of family houses, or directly belonging to family houses, were born in the last years as family businesses, with the intention to make their own situation better by private business.

The entrepreneuristic hopes were not fulfilled for different reasons and the objects have remained empty, as a "mementum of endeavor" and "monuments of hope". She bid four founders of the photoclub in dunajská streda, lászló sóos, péter hodosy, lászló gondor and béla edmár to cooperation. They mapped the whole city of dunajská streda and found 16 such objects, which these photographers photographed in their own style.

The second phenomenon, ilona nemeth is interested in, is a family reliquary. She has been collecting different objects after her ancestors and family members. She is interested in family memory, the reconstruction of the past and the influence of history on a person,she is trying to treat the collection in different ways.

Opening 21 October 2010, 6pm

Bastova, 1 h, Bratislava
hours: wednesday - friday, 1 - 6 pm
and by appointment
free admission

Michael Kienzer
dal 23/11/2011 al 12/1/2012

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