Cruise Terminal
Wilhelminakade 699
+31 10 2908440 FAX +31 010 2974251
Art Rotterdam 2011
dal 8/2/2011 al 12/2/2011
Segnalato da

Monique Verhulst


Navid Nuur

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Febbraio 2025


Art Rotterdam 2011

Cruise Terminal, Rotterdam

12' edition of Art Rotterdam, the international fair to discover emerging talent. Seventy galleries from home and abroad present their most daring artists. Simultaneously with Art Rotterdam, in the (opposite) building Las Palmas, Object Rotterdam will take place an international fair for autonomous design. Art Rotterdam also presents one of the most important emerging talents of this moment, Dutch conceptual artist Navid Nuur, as focused artist.

comunicato stampa

Art Rotterdam 2011 presents the latest developments in contemporary art From 10 to 13 February 2011 the stunning departure hall of the Holland America Line is the set for the twelfth edition of Art Rotterdam, the international fair to discover emerging talent. Seventy galleries from home and abroad present their most daring artists.

International field of participants
Next to the absolute best in Dutch galleries, that were already present for number of years, a strong participation of foreign galleries sticks out (40% of all participants). Notable also this year is the quantity of excellent Belgian galleries. Besides the emerging galleries, already present for a few years, the 2011 edition also presents the well- established Belgian galleries like f.e. Galerie Catherine Bastide, Galerie Micheline Szwajcer and Stella Lohaus Gallery. From Great Britain eight young galleries will be present, galleries that are truly among the most promising of the island. Art Rotterdam is delighted to welcome Gallery Plan B, at this moment the most important gallery in Romania.

Participating galleries at Art Rotterdam 2011 are

Austria Krinzinger Projekte.

Belgium Annie Gentils Galerie, Catherine Bastide, dépendence, Elisa Platteau, Hoet Bekaert, Meessen de Clercq, Micheline Szwajcer, Office Baroque Gallery, Stella Lohaus Gallery.

Denmark Christina Wilson, David Risley Gallery.

Germany Adler, Eva Winkeler, Lorenz, Lüttgenmeijer.

Italy Monitor.

Netherlands Akinci, Aschenbach & Hofland, Cokkie Snoei, de Expeditie, Ellen de Bruijne Projects, Flatland Gallery, Fons Welters, Gabriel Rolt , Galerie Delta, Galerie Diana Stigter, Galerie Juliette Jongma, Galerie Majke Hüsstege, Galerie Onrust, Galerie Wouter van Leeuwen, Grimm, Jeanine Hofland Contemporary Art, Kahmann Gallery, Kunsthandel Meyer, Lumen Travo, Maurits van de Laar, Mirta Demare, MKgalerie, Motive Gallery, Paul Andriesse, Phoebus Rotterdam, RAM, Ramakers, Ronmandos, Slewe Gallery, Tegenboschvanvreden, Torch Gallery, Upstream Gallery, Van den Berge, Van Gelder, Van Kranendonk Gallery, van Krimpen, Vous Etes Ici, Willem Baars Art Consultancy, Wilfried Lentz Rotterdam, Witzenhauzen Gallery, De Zaal, Zingerpresents, Van Zoetendaal, Martin van Zomeren.

Romania Galleria Plan B.

Switzerland Barbara Seiler.

UK Arcade, Ceri Hand Gallery, Cole Contemporary, MOT International, Rob Tufnell, Rokeby, Seventeen Gallery, Works|Projects.

Navid Nuur focused artist
Art Rotterdam proudly presents one of the most important emerging talents of this moment, Dutch conceptual artist Navid Nuur (1976), as focused artist. On a central location at the fair Nuur shows his work ‘Distant relations between lovers could fail by the lack of your true focus’. This work is about the relation between artists and public commercial art places, like f.e. magazines, catalogues and art fairs. The print work of the fair is an integral part of the artwork, as well as the participation of the visitor, from whom Nuur expects an interactive role.

Film programme in NAi pavilion
During the fair at the site of the Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAi) a temporary pavilion designed and build, from demolition materials from the rebuilding of the NAi, by Kaleb de Groot will open. In this pavilion films will be shown of video artists that are represented by galleries on Art Rotterdam. Next to that films of the award winners of the Princess Margriet Routes Awards 2011 will be shown. This award is given annually in celebration of the achievements of artists, activists and thinkers who make an outstanding contribution to discourse on cultural diversity in Europe. This year’s laureates are: filmmaker and contemporary artist Kutluğ Ataman [1961, Istanbul] and artist Šejla Kamerid [1976, Sarajevo].

Object Rotterdam
Simultaneously with Art Rotterdam, in the (opposite) building Las Palmas, Object Rotterdam will take place. At this international fair for autonomous design twenty participants present unique or limited edition objects in the field of current design, crafts and jewelry. Object Rotterdam exposes the cutting edge between art and design and is the place to experience the latest developments. Designer Aldo Bakker and glass artist Mark Mulders present themselves at Object Rotterdam Talented designer Aldo Bakker (1971) will present his latest series of wooden chairs in the booth of Particles Gallery. With his work Bakker aims to surprise the visitor and to initiate discussions. Gallery Zand shows work of Marc Mulders. This Dutch painter has evolved himself, over the past years, into a glass artist, a.o. by creating leaded- light windows in De Nieuwe Kerk in Amsterdam and the Sint- Jan in Den Bosch. At Object Rotterdam Gallery Zand shows fifteen blown glass objects, painted by Marc Mulders.

Cultural programme in Rotterdam
Various cultural institutions in the city offer a range of activities that are, during the fair, free of charge and accessible for a broad audience. On show in Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen is the first large-scale solo exhibition ‘Suspension of Disbelief’ by Dutch artist Gabriel Lester (1972). By means of an integral installation, consisting of interventions, film and sculptures, Lester displays in this exhibition the various aspects of fate. The Kunsthal presents ‘I promise to love you’, a retrospective of the very best from the Caldic Collection, the largest private collection in the Netherlands from collector Joop van Caldenborgh. Furthermore, Rotterdam galleries TENT. Mama and Witte de With organize special evening openings with work of promising young artists Artist collective Het Wilde Weten organizes a market for special artists’ books, and Rotterdam architects, designers and artists will open their studios and workspaces for the public.

Image: Navid Nuur: 'Distant relations between lovers could fail by the lack of your true focus'
With courtesy to Galerie Martin van Zomeren

Press contact: Monique Verhulst
Relations Manager, international press T + 31 (0) 6 53724026 E

Professional preview 9th February
Special evening opening: Friday 11 February, 6pm -9pm

Cruise Terminal Rotterdam
Wilhelminakade 699, Rotterdam
Opening hours Art Rotterdam and Object Rotterdam:
Thursday 10 February: 12.00 – 18.00 hrs
Friday 11 February: 12.00 – 21.00 hrs
Saturday 12 February: 11.00 – 19.00 hrs
Sunday 13 February: 11.00 – 19.00 hrs

RAW Art Fair
dal 4/2/2014 al 8/2/2014

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Vent'anni di UnDo.Net, un'opera d'arte ideata da artisti che hanno coinvolto centinaia di altri autori e operatori nella costruzione di un ecosistema, di un dispositivo che ha influito a più livelli sul fare arte.
UnDo.Net è un dispositivo di creazione di valore immateriale; pensato come "ecosistema" della cultura contemporanea, come modello partecipativo che sviluppi la condivisione di ricerche, risorse e conoscenze, la collaborazione e lo scambio.
In questi 20 anni UnDo.Net ha perseguito il suo scopo: inventare un nuovo spazio, che prima non esisteva, di sperimentazione e di ricerca, di confronto e di dialogo.


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