The mutations of contemporary image: exhibition and conference. The European project Transimages consists in the organisation of a cultural and artistic international event which includes four structures, each of them producing a web site in France, Sweden, Austria and Italy.
The mutations of contemporary image
· Exhibition opening 25 October 6.30pm
Edouard Boyer (Missing, création), Pierre-Jean Giloux (Lebe Wohl, création), Karin Hansson & Asa Andersson (TED, 1998), Eric Maillet (Geometrical abstraction, 2002), Orlan (Self-hybridation, 2001), Timothée Rolin (Six mois, création) and Brigitte Zieger (Orna-mental, 2002)
· Party 8.30pm
· Conference 26 October
The European project Transimages consists in the organisation of a cultural and artistic international event which includes four structures, each of them producing a web site in France, Sweden, Austria and Italy.
The theme " European Transimages : mutations of contemporary images" covers current problematics on image status in an era of maximal information circulation. Today image has become the most widespread means of representation and communication ;
thus ruling the technological world as well as human exchanges.
New techniques of image manufacturing and circulation (digital tools, the web) have altered the status of the image .
The creation of virtual reality environments has increased the ambiguity of the relationship between reality and its visual representations.
The flow of images conveyed by mass media, of which internet is henceforth a part, has contributed to image's loss of credibility . New products have turned up like immersive environments or body prostheses.
We propose to reevaluate the significance of the concept "image" and that of the concept "reality" which have lost their stability and their universal meaning.
The organizers of the project are four information and creation sites in the area of current .visual arts. The French project is organized in partnership with "Main dOeuvres"
SYNESTHESIE (France) is a journal of artistic theory and practice
SPRINGERIN (Austria) is an aesthetics magazine
TEMPORARY ART (Sweden) is an artist collective
UNDO (Italy) is a news magazine on contemporary art
MAINS D'OEUVRES (France) is an artistic and associative interdisciplinary space
Each partner's action will be structured around two types of activities:
1) The four associations will organize exhibitions and lectures in their respective city (Paris, Vienna, Stockholm, Milan). This event will allow to expand the exchanges between representatives of the art world (artists and theoreticians).Thanks to these exhibitions and these debate meetings, current artistic creation processes will be confronted with images of the entertainment industry and of the media. 2) The creation of a web site will establish an international network— based
collaboration that will encourage the development of contemporary art in Europe.
Throughout these two types of activities the project will present to a large European audience what is at stake in the mutation of images, with a concern to inform, document and heighten public awareness.
Our main goal is to put the research on image production as well as the exhibition of artistic works in "real" and in "virtual" space within the reach of the general public.
SYNESTHESIE : description of our participation in the project.
For Synesthésie this project is the opportunity to collaborate with partners of the European Community via an innovative means of communication. It will suggest theoretical and practical approaches to the contemporary art image.
Our exhibition will present artists who explore new image production modes (3D, morphing, web site, database) and who take into consideration our "media culture". Their work will dwell on the impact of increasingly sophisticated techniques of manufacturing and simulation on the imagination and on our relationship to reality. We will also exhibit works that evoke augmented reality particularly by the possibilities of transforming images and the living. The exhibition is the starting point of lectures and debates which will provide the framework for an overall reflection.
Our lectures and debates are conceived as a critical accompaniment to the exhibition.
We will gather specialists who will debate on the uses of image from their practice and from their sphere of research, who will put within the reach of the general public an understanding of the cultural functions of the artistic image as a medium of respresentation.
The debates will confront contributors of various origins :
Social science researchers, scientists and artists will share their experiences on the representations born from the transformation of the image.
As a printed catalogue, a CD-ROM will document and offer literature on the events making the results of the project available beyond the exhibition. It will inform and contain video extracts, filmed interviews of artists and contributors as well as recorded performances.
The web site will broadcast worldwide the results of the "real" presentation allowing the live communication and transmission of events, like the performance of an artist. An opening musical event will take place at St Ouen with GCTTCATT (Mego label) and a performance of Lasdada.
The partners in France
- Union européenne, programme Culture 2000
- Drac Ile-de-France, Ministère de la culture et de la communication
- So What now, Société de production audiovisuelle
Results expected
The results expected are defined in function of the two main lines of the project :
1- we want to create a situation of European exchange between real exhibition places.
2 - we will use the web to broadcast the results to an enlarged public.
We hope that our work will enrich current research on the function of image in European culture.
The Paris event
The lectures
A day of lectures on the problematics raised by Transimages will take place on Saturday October 26 in the public studio of "Mains d'oeuvres"
Patricia Brignone : art critic, teacher, contributor to Art Press
Michel Gaillot : philosopher and art critic. Publications : Sens multiples. La techno un laboratoire artistique et politique du présent, Paris, Editions Dis Voir, 1998, Nous, peuple des voix, Ville de Vénissieux, 2002.
Michel Maffesoli : sociologist and lecturer at the Sorbonne (Director of the Centre d'Etude sur l'Actuel et le Quotidien)
Latest publications : Le temps des tribus, Le déclin de l'individualisme dans les sociétés postmodernes, (Paris, 1988)
Au creux des apparences, Pour une éthique de l’esthétique, Paris, Plon, 1990. La Transfiguration du politique, la tribalisation du monde, Paris, Grasset, 1992. La contemplation du Monde, Figure du style communautaire, Paris, 1993 Reed Le Livre de Poche, 1996. Eloge de la raison sensible, Paris, Grasset, 1996. Du Nomadisme†Vagabondages initiatiques, Paris , Le Livre de Poche. 1997. Le Mystère de la conjonction, Montpellier, Fata Morgana. L'instant éternel. Le retour du tragique dans les sociétés postmodernes, Denoël, Paris, 2000
Anne-Marie Morice, editor of Synesthésie
Orlan, artist
Christian Höller, editor of the journal Springerin (Autriche)
Two italian theoreticians
Mains d'Oeuvres