Michael Ackerman
Patrik Andersson
Eugene Atget
John Batho
Jim Bengston
Pehr Vilhelm Berggren
Karl Blossfeldt
Edouard Boubat
Mark Cohen
Edward Sheriff Curtis
Peter Henry Emerson
Bernard Faucon
Jan Fridlund
Henry Buergel Goodwin
Jan Groover
Mikael Jansson
Mattias Johansson
Charles Jones
Andre Kertesz
William Klein
Anders Krisar
Anders Kristensson
Jacques Henri Lartigue
Annie Leibovitz
Alexander Liberman
Ake E:son Lindman
Alen MacWeeney
Esko Mannikko
Duane Michals
Isabel Munoz
Eadweard Muybridge
Irving Penn
Hasse Persson
Linda Raskin
Tom Sandberg
August Sander
Jean Pascal Sebah
John Stenersen
Alfred Stieglitz
Christer Stromholm
William Henry Fox Talbot
Edward Weston
Karin Hall
Lars Hall
Arnt N Fredheim
Treasures from the Karin and Lars Hall collection. A unique exhibition of photographs counting over 180 works, spanning from pioneer photographers like William Henry Fox Talbot and Edward Weston to contemporary photographers like Irving Penn and Tom Sandberg. With a unique collection of original Irving Penns as a basis, the diversity of the collection is presented in a wide number of small exhibitions within the main concept.
Michael Ackerman, Patrik Andersson, Eugène Atget, John Batho, Jim Bengston, Pehr Vilhelm Berggren, Karl Blossfeldt, Édouard Boubat, Mark Cohen, Edward Sheriff Curtis, Peter Henry Emerson, Bernard Faucon, Jan Fridlund, Henry Buergel Goodwin, Jan Groover, Mikael Jansson, Mattias Johansson, Charles Jones, André Kertész, William Klein, Anders Krisár, Anders Kristensson, Jacques-Henri Lartigue, Annie Leibovitz, Alexander Liberman, Åke E:son Lindman, Alen MacWeeney, Esko Männikkö, Duane Michals, Isabel Muñoz, Eadweard Muybridge, Irving Penn, Hasse Persson, Linda Raskin, Tom Sandberg, August Sander, Jean Pascal Sébah, John Stenersen, Alfred Stieglitz, Christer Strömholm, William Henry Fox Talbot, Edward Weston
Curators of the exhibition are Karin Hall, Lars Hall and Arnt N Fredheim
It is a great pleasure and honour for us to present such a unique collection of artists that have shaped the development of photography as an art form, says Jens R Jenssen, senior vice president of human resources and leader of the Statoil art programme. And he continues: This exhibition will make a difference.
The exhibition consists of approximately 180 works of photography, spanning from the 1842 to 2002. With a unique collection of original Irving Penns as a basis, the diversity of the collection is presented in a wide number of small exhibitions within the main concept, says Arnt N Fredheim, curator, the Statoil art programme. It’s like a dream has come trough, he continues, as the possibility to make an exhibition of legendary photographers like William Henry Fox Talbot, Edward Weston, Karl Blossfeldt, Eugène Atget, August Sander, Alfred Stieglitz, Eadweard Muybridge, André Kertész, Jacques-Henri Lartigue, Édouard Boubat, Annie Leibovitz and Irving Penn, in addition to a whole range of Swedish master photographers like Hasse Persson, Patrik Andersson, Anders Kristensson and Christer Strömholm, just doesn't happen very often in Norway!
The collection of Karin and Lars Hall was started by Lars Hall during the 1970’s, when he was working as an art director and partner of a large advertising agency, Hall & Cederquist AB, in Stockholm. In 1977 he and his partners started the legendary gallery Camera obscura in Stockholm, the first photo gallery in Scandinavia to present fine art photography. During it’s existence many hundred large and small exhibitions saw light, and invaluable contacts were made. The Irving Penn collection stems from Hall's warm relation to his artists. When he met Karin Hall in 1989, they decided to continue the building up of a collection that today counts approximately 400 photographs.
We are really exited to have the opportunity to share these photographs with others, says Karin Hall. And Lars Hall continues: Statoil art programme has been a great partner in this project.
An illustrated catalogue accompanies the exhibition.
Image: Jacques Henri Lartigue (1894-1986). Reneé, 1931. Silver print, 1970. 24,5 x 36 cm without frame, 50 x 59 x 3 cm with frame. Edition number unknown.
Press contact:
Jannik Lindbæk jr. Vice president, media relations, corporate communication Mobil: + 47 97755622 E-mail: jljr@statoil.com
Opening reception: Thursday 31 March 2011 6-8pm
Limited participation, RSVP by 28 March to artprog@statoil.com or T: +47 51994519.
Welcome by Jens R Jenssen, senior vice president human resources in Statoil and leader of the Statoil art programme
Introduction to the exhibition by Arnt N Fredheim, consultant, Statoil art programme
Why icons are icons - collector’s talk Lars Hall and Arnt N Fredheim
Opening by Ingrid Nilsson, director, Preus Museum, Horten, Norway
Statoil office - Main reception area
Drammensveien 264, Oslo Norway