A talk discussing artists, writers, filmmakers who have dared to tell the truth in especially turbulent times
A talk discussing artists, writers, filmmakers who have dared to tell the truth in especially turbulent times. Now more than ever as we are lied to, manipulated by propaganda, distracted by the over abundance of the latest techno-gadgets, inundated by pointless pop culture and forced into feelings of impotency as we become overwhelmed by the state of global collapse. Works and artists who seek to inspire individuals to come forward in artistic protest, lending a personal voice to history which illustrates the fear, rage and sorrow of the human condition in these trying times. Alex Brahim is independent theoretician and curator from Columbia. Lives and works in Barcelona, Spain. (Image: Videostill from "Alla Ricerca di Alex Brahim" by Anibal Parada, color and sound, 13'19'', 2009. Courtesy of the artist.)