Yasmin Alt
Lars Bjerre
Marcio Carvalho
Rudy Cremonini
Dalila Dalleas
Yingmei Duan
Roberto Duarte
Juan Duque
Antje Engelmann
Surya Gied
Michael A Gromma
Satch Hoyt
Lan Hungh
Paul Huf
Bruno Jamaica
Essi Kausalainen
Leena Kela
Magda Korsinsky
Christina Kyriazidi
Cyrill Lachauer
Christoph Ndabananiye
Ines D'orey
Soavina Ramaroson
Joris Vanpoucke
Michael Zheng
Bonaventure S. B. Ndikung
Simone Kraft
Pauline Doutreluingne
A group exhibition
The group exhibition Nomadic Settlers - Settled Nomads is research on contemporary nomadism, dealing with the complex theme of the human sense of settlement and its manifold facets. The concept of nomadism, migration, and settlement is perceived on a physical and metaphysical level rotating around the real and the imaginary, the existential and the non-existential, the trivial and the profound, with both feet still on the ground. Curated by Bonaventure S. B. Ndikung, Simone Kraft and Pauline Doutreluingne.