Kunsthalle Dusseldorf
Grabbeplatz 4
+49 0211 8996243 FAX +49 0211 8929168
Tomma Abst
dal 14/7/2011 al 8/10/2011
Tue Sun, public holidays: 11am-6pm

Segnalato da

Dirk Schewe


Tomma Abts

calendario eventi  :: 


Tomma Abst

Kunsthalle Dusseldorf, Dusseldorf

A selection of 12 canvas by the german painter. For the first tiime ever Abts' paintings will be accompanied by a series of small drawings that she has created over many years alongside her paiintings, in order to work out the lines, shapes and spatial relationship within her delicate compositions.

comunicato stampa

Born in 1967, Ger­man ar­tist Tom­ma Abts ranks among the out­stan­ding fe­ma­le pain­ters of her ge­ne­ra­ti­on. She was awar­ded the Tur­ner Pri­ze in 2006, and her work has fea­tured in so­lo ex­hi­bi­ti­ons at such re­now­ned in­sti­tu­ti­ons as Kunst­hal­le Ba­sel, the Ham­mer Mu­se­um in Los An­ge­les
and the New Mu­se­um of Con­tem­pora­ry Art in New York. The show at the Kunst­hal­le Düs­sel­dorf will be the Lon­don-ba­sed ar­tist’s first so­lo ex­hi­bi­ti­on at an in­sti­tu­ti­on in the Rhi­ne­land, whe­re she has be­en teaching sin­ce sum­mer 2010, ha­ving ta­ken up a pro­fes­sorship at the Kunst­aka­de­mie Düs­sel­dorf.

A slow and ri­go­rous pro­duc­tion pro­cess is a dis­tin­gu­is­hing fea­ture of Tom­ma Abts’ work. Alt­hough she fol­lows a pre­de­ter­mined me­thod in her pain­ting, ap­p­ly­ing pu­re­ly geo­me­tri­cal shapes to a clas­sic 48 x 38 cm por­trait for­mat in lay­er af­ter lay­er of oil and acryl­ic paint, her pain­ting is far re­mo­ved from se­ri­al pro­duc­tion. The in­di­vi­dua­li­ty of each of her pie­ces can, in­s­tead, be at­tri­bu­ted to a pro­duc­tion pro­cess whe­re each image is shaped by con­ti­nual ques­tio­ning, and by con­stant con­struc­tion and de­con­struc­tion. The rich, of­ten mu­ted co­lour to­nes lend each work its own mood, which draws the be­hol­der in­to a world of in­ti­ma­te ima­ge­ry. On­ly on clo­ser in­spec­tion do the un­der­ly­ing lay­ers peek through the sur­face he­re and the­re, re­vea­ling faint pat­terns and iso­la­ted li­nes, and cas­ting Abts’ work as a re­flec­tion on the pain­ting pro­cess its­elf.

The in­ten­si­ty of this ar­tis­tic pro­cess is re­flec­ted in Abts’ ex­hi­bi­ti­ons, which pre­sent each of her works as an in­di­vi­du­al, co­he­rent image. Kunst­hal­le Düs­sel­dorf has cho­sen a selec­tion of twel­ve can­va­ses to pre­sent in its main hall. For the first ti­me ever, Abts’ pain­tings will be ac­com­pa­nied by a se­ries of small, pre­vious­ly ba­re­ly known drawings that she has crea­ted over ma­ny ye­ars along­side her pain­tings in or­der to work out the li­nes, shapes and spa­ti­al re­la­ti­ons­hips wi­t­hin her de­li­ca­te com­po­si­ti­ons.

Image: Tomma Abts, Tys, 2010, Acryl und Öl auf Leinwand, 48 x 38 cm, Privatsammlung Köln

In parallel the Kunsthalle is opening the exhibition:

Seitenlichtsaal: Raumproduktion
15.07. - 26.08 2011

Artists: Matthias Böttger, something fantastic (Elena Schütz, Julian
Schubert, Leonard Streich), Larissa Fassler, Julika Gittner, Juul Hondius,
Ingrid Hora, Jennifer Morone, Michl Schmidt, Alex Schweder, Peter Wendl.
The artists analyze the social, cultural, economic and political
parameters of space production with their artistic interventions.

Curator: Matthias Böttger

Press contact:
Dirk Schewe Tel.: +49 (0)211 - 89 96256 Fax: +49 (0)211 - 89 29576

Opening friday, 15 July 2011, at 7pm

Kunsthalle Düsseldorf
Grabbeplatz 4 - 40213 Dusseldorf Germany
Hours: Tuesday – Sunday, public holidays: 11 am – 6 pm
Admission: Adults EUR 5.50, Concessions EUR 3.50

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