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Febbraio 2025


The Edge of Reason

KINOKINO Centre for Art and Film, Sandnes

The Edge of Reason, curated by Norwegian and London-based artists Sidsel Christensen and Ben Judd, explores notions of authenticity and belief, by inviting the viewer to have a first-hand experience of a world beyond the senses. The artists in the show trace a historical overlapping in the development of the empirical and scientific with the irrational and mystical.

comunicato stampa

The Edge of Reason, curated by Norwegian and London-based artists Sidsel Christensen and Ben Judd, will explore notions of authenticity and belief, by inviting the viewer to have a first-hand experience of a world beyond the senses.

Christensen and Judd have invited artists whose work helps to trace a historical overlapping in the development of the empirical and scientific with the irrational and mystical. The artists in The Edge of Reason present a duality of experience, by moving in-between a sceptical enquiry and a more internalised visionary engagement to explore the unknown.

The Edge of Reason, then, is an attempt to describe the invisible. Via a supposedly rational system of understanding, the viewer is allowed to have an experience with the authority of authenticity; however the nature of this experience isn’t quantified or defined. It is still up to the viewer to decide, or allow, it to happen.

The historical and contemporary artworks included draw on traditions of expressing the immaterial through abstraction, symbolism and other forms of representation. But the works also still exist in an open space that is yet to be fully explored or described, holding the potential of becoming more than illustration, but a space of direct experience and transformation. Perhaps in a state of doubt, the viewer is left hovering between different positions, of scepticism and belief, comprehension and confusion, both immersed in a new experience, and also cautious about its validity.

"Characteristic of modern occultism is its dependence on natural science: the conviction that new knowledge is generated primarily through the results achieved in experiments and tests – in short, scientific procedures. Here occultism reveals itself to be a foundling of a rationalist modernity fervently believing in progress. This self-understanding as a ‘secret science’ explains the numerous […] fascinating attempts to lend aesthetic expression to the intangible."
(Claudia Dichter, The Message)

Sidsel Christensen
Marcus Coates
Maya Deren
George Gurdjieff
Susan Hiller
Ben Judd
Hilma af Klint
Susan MacWilliam
Oscar Muñoz
Karen Russo (inkl. Jeremy Millar, Shezad Dawood, Mark Titchner)
Jane and Louise Wilson

Opening: Saturday 3rd 14

KINOKINO Centre for Art and Film
Olav Kyrresgate 5 - Sandnes

The Edge of Reason
dal 2/9/2011 al 5/11/2011

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Vent'anni di UnDo.Net, un'opera d'arte ideata da artisti che hanno coinvolto centinaia di altri autori e operatori nella costruzione di un ecosistema, di un dispositivo che ha influito a più livelli sul fare arte.
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