Esther Schipper
Schoneberger Ufer 65
+49 (0)30 374433133 FAX +49 (0)30 374433134
Pierre Huyghe
dal 8/9/2011 al 21/10/2011
Tues - Sat: 11am - 6pm

Segnalato da

David Ulrichs


Pierre Huyghe

calendario eventi  :: 
Inaugurazioni | In corso
Gennaio 2025


Pierre Huyghe

Esther Schipper, Berlin

Influants. The exhibition is composed of entirely new works and presents the viewer with a situation that prompts reflection on the nature of encounters and influences between visitor and resident.

comunicato stampa

Esther Schipper is pleased to announce the second solo exhibition by French artist Pierre Huyghe at the gallery.

Influants is composed of entirely new works and presents the viewer with a situation that prompts reflection on the nature of encounters and influences between visitor and resident. A colony of 10,000 ants (camponotus ligniperdus), house spiders (tegenaria atrica), an announcer and a live flu virus will co-inhabit the gallery space.

Pierre Huyghe, born in Paris, was educated at the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs. He has had numerous international solo exhibitions at such venues as: Tate Modern, London (2006), Castello de Rivoli, Turin (2004), Guggenheim Museum, New York (2003), Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris (2000) and Musée d’Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris (2006, 1998). His most recent solo exhibition, La saison des fêtes, was presented at the Museo Reina Sofía, Madrid (2010).

Huyghe’s work has appeared in many group exhibitions, such as: Biennale of Sydney (2008), Whitney Biennial (2006), Venice Biennale (2003, 1999), documenta 11 (2002) and Manifesta 2 (1998). He was a recipient of a DAAD Artist in Residence grant in Berlin (1999–2000) and received a Special Award from the jury of the Venice Biennale in 2001, where he represented France, as well as the Hugo Boss Prize in 2002. He lives and works in New York and Paris.

Press office:
David Ulrichs I I +49 (0)176 5033 0135

Opening: Friday, 9 September, 6 - 9pm

Esther Schipper
Schöneberger Ufer 65 - Berlin
Hours: Tues - Sat: 11am - 6pm
free admission

Christoph Keller
dal 26/6/2015 al 4/9/2015

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