Kravets/Wehby Gallery
New York
521 West 21st Street
212 3522238 FAX 212 3522239
Wendell Gladstone
dal 7/2/2003 al 15/3/2003
(212) 352 2238 FAX (212) 352 2239

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Kravets/Wehby Gallery


Wendell Gladstone

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Inaugurazioni | In corso
Gennaio 2025


Wendell Gladstone

Kravets/Wehby Gallery, New York

Four Seasons and other paintings. Wendell Gladstone's Seasons paintings begin where his previous body of work left off.

comunicato stampa

Four Seasons and other paintings

Kravets/Wehby Gallery is pleased to announce an exhibition of new paintings by Wendell Gladstone opening on February 8 with a reception for the artist from 6-8pm and running through March 15, 2003.

Wendell Gladstone's Seasons paintings begin where his previous body of work left off. The first in the series is Winter (Trapped Under Thin Ice) which depicts a dead deer frozen in a lake who begins to regenerate, causing its entrails to grow and break through the ice and weave their way up the frozen wintery trees into a web that draws out three geometric crystals. This woven web foreshadows the colored crystals the three dogs, the new dominant characters, wear around their necks. The deer's entrails then fall down to the ground and the 'frozen' dogs eat and digest them. The narrative continues through the seasons where the dogs change color systematically as winter thaws into spring, spring into summer and summer into fall and unveils a complicated fantastical world.

Opening reception: Saturday, February 8, 6-8pm

Gallery hours: Tues. - Sat., 11am-6pm

For further information, please call (212) 352-2238

Kravets/Wehby Gallery
521 West 21st Street, Ground Floor
New York, NY 10011
(212) 352 2238

Stan Narten
dal 21/2/2014 al 21/3/2014

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