Cristian Andersen
Rui Calcada Bastos
Sergio Bellinchon
Marco Bruzzone
Dani Gal
Ulrike Grossarth
Eno Henze
Conor Kelly
Lone Haugaard Madsen
Riccardo Previdi
Dan Rees
Mike Ruiz
Patrick Tuttofuoco
Albert Weis
Tilman Wendland
Alvaro Urbano
Jahresgaben 2011. Group show: an exhibition of titles
Jahresgaben (Yearly gifts) 2011. Group show with Cristian Andersen, Rui Calcada Bastos, Sergio Bellinchon, Marco Bruzzone, Dani Gal, Ulrike Grossarth, Eno Henze, Conor Kelly, Lone Haugaard Madsen, Riccardo Previdi, Dan Rees, Mike Ruiz, Patrick Tuttofuoco, Albert Weis, Tilman Wendland and Alvaro Urbano. "Source", "Family Jewels", "The Hidden Chapters OF My draws to Insistence", "The Hygienic Colours", "Paradise Lost" , "Public Abstraction, private Construction" - this were only some the exhibition titles in the art association Arnsberg.