The Substation Gallery
45, Armenian Street
+65 6337 7535 FAX +65 6337 2729
Blue Is The Smoke Of War
dal 10/3/2003 al 12/3/2003
(65) 63377535 FAX (65) 63372729
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Blue Is The Smoke Of War

The Substation Gallery, Singapore

One-woman show by Geddy Aniksdal from Norway. Nostalgia, war, famine, disease lack of emotion, spiritual emptiness, resignation, indifference, death.

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Nostalgia, war, famine, disease lack of emotion, spiritual emptiness, resignation, indifference, death.

This is Blue Is The Smoke Of War: the work is largely drawn on materials and characters from "GOOD TIMES for the evil ones", a previous ensemble production by Grenland Friteater, inspired by the writings of Norwegian poet and scholar Georg Johannesen. This one-woman performance will present Jonannesen's work in four movements like in a musical piece: Autumn (Adagio), which takes us into China during the Táng dynasty and through the words of master poet Tu Fu; Winter (Allegro ma non tanto), which takes place in Norway during the fifties and has the form of a cabaret; Spring (Scherzo), which is more directly concerned with the political situation in Norway; Summer (Allegro con brio) in the garden of Greek philosopher Epicurus. The performance will be presented in English.

About Geddy Aniksdal
Geddy Aniksdal (born 1955) is an actor, director and pedagogue at Grenland Friteater of Porsgrunn, Norway. She has acted in: The Play is Over (1982), Too Much of Nothing (1982), Fever (1984), The Miserables (1985), The Stars are No Nearer (1986), Besatt! Disasters of War! (1987, a Grenland Friteater collaboration with Brith Gof, Wales), Love x{2013} Crazy Love (1988), Hjelp! Bestemor Kommer! (1988), The Dreamers (1990), Good Times x{2013} For the Evil Ones (1995), Dopa Lax (1995), Blue is the Smoke of War (1997), Hotel Ibsen (1998), and others. For Grenland Friteater, she has directed many plays including The Wake (1987), Max & Mini (1988), Woyzeck (1988), Martha's Morbid Memories (1992), Krapp's Last Tape (1996), Fri and Frank (1997), Hotel Ibsen (1998), The Scarecrows (1999) and To Be Dead is Too Easy (2001). For the Magdalena Project, she has directed The River Room (1986, Wales), Between Now and Soon (1989, Norway) and The Perpetual Sound of Fixed Time (1994, Wales). Besides conducting numerous actors' training workshops, Geddy has been closely associated with the Magdalena Project since 1986 and is on the editorial board of The Open Page, the Magdalena Project journal.

Also, this show is prior to the arrival of Performing Words, an international workshop for female performers who create their own texts, to be held 17-29 March 2003 at The Substation. Taking part in this workshop are five overseas participants and five local ones, including television and stage actress Adelina Ong. The workshop will be led by both Geddy Aniksdal and Gilly Adams, who both belong to the Norwegian ensemble, Grenland Friteater.

It will be held at The Substation Guinness Theatre on 11 and 12 March 2003, 8pm.

Tickets at $15 / 10 (Concession) are sold at The Substation Box-Office. Call 63377800 for more information.

The Substation Guinness Theatre

Kai Lam
dal 21/6/2011 al 1/7/2011

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