Kunstverein Munchen
Galeriestrasse 4
049 089 221152 FAX 049 089 229352
The Imaginary Museum
dal 12/7/2012 al 8/9/2012
tue-sun 10am-6pm

Segnalato da

Anja Lückenkemper

calendario eventi  :: 
Inaugurazioni | In corso
Gennaio 2025


The Imaginary Museum

Kunstverein Munchen, Munich

The group show brings together a contemporary group of visual artists with a site-specific installation of Antique plaster casts, featuring works by Becky Beasley, Eric Bell & Kristoffer Frick, Oliver Laric, Mark Leckey, Simon Martin and Ed Atkins, James Richards, Jimmy Robert and Sean Snyder.

comunicato stampa

We are pleased to invite you to the exhibition The Imaginary Museum, a group show featuring works by Becky Beasley, Eric Bell & Kristoffer Frick, Oliver Laric, Mark Leckey, Simon Martin and Ed Atkins, James Richards, Jimmy Robert and Sean Snyder.

The Imaginary Museum brings together a contemporary group of visual artists with a site-specific installation of Antique plaster casts. The display of the statues reconstructs an installation shot taken in 1932 in the current Kunstverein spaces – then used by Munich’s Museum für Abgüsse Klassischer Bildwerke (Museum of Casts of Classical Sculpture). Probably unintentionally, the photographer joined two forms of reproduction – casting and photography – that were difficult to combine in the context of the Modernist program of the 20th century. The anachronistic reputation of these collections, together with the ‘worthlessness’ of their material, has marginalised the plaster copy from critical thinking.

In his text The Imaginary Museum of Plaster Casts, published specially to accompany the exhibition, art historian Sven Lütticken revaluates plaster cast collections and their influence on the activities of contemporary artists vis-à-vis the referencing and reproduction of visual sources.
The Imaginary Museum takes this text as its cue in order to examine the relevance of plaster cast collections within a contemporary context of art production.

With works by Becky Beasley, Eric Bell & Kristoffer Frick, Oliver Laric, Mark Leckey, Simon Martin und Ed Atkins, James Richards, Jimmy Robert and Sean Snyder.

We would be happy if you join us for the opening night of this very special show, in presence of the artists and a party afterwards.

Side Programme:

14 July, 2012, 6 pm
Film programme by Simon Martin & Ed Atkins at Werkstattkino, Fraunhoferstraße 9. 80469 Munich

17 July, 2012, 7 pm
Guided tour von Direktor Bart van der Heide

22 July, 2012, 6 pm
Film programme curated by James Richards at Werkstattkino, Fraunhoferstraße 9 80469 Munich

27 July, 2012, 2 pm
Guided tour von Assistenzkuratorin Anja Lückenkemper

09 September, 2012, 5 pm
Finissage with Performance by Jimmy Robert at Kunstverein Munich

Kunstverein Munich Display Window:
The Local Contemporary

Over the course of this year, the format The Local Contemporary will present four young positions of the art and design field within the new Kunstverein Munich Display Window. These positions address a sense of locality, from the specific site of the Hofgarten to the city of Munich.

Ayzit Bostan: 14 June – 09 September, 2012

In her practise, the Munich fashion designer Ayzit Bostan (*1968 in Ankara, Turkey) blends design with artistic projects. Besides her commercial fashion collection, her works have been shown in art and exhibition spaces.
At the Kunstverein Munich Display Window, Bostan shows the video work Landwehrstraße, a collaboration with Fabian Frinzel. The video offers an insight into a Turkish bakery: Through the display window a well-conceived choreography becomes evident in the small scale space. With Landwehrstraße Bostan achives the shift and displacement of a specific place in Munich into the spaces of the Hofgarten.

Image: Collage © Design: Manuel Raeder und Manuel Goller

Anja Lückenkemper
Assistent Curator and Press

opening on Friday, 13 July, 2012 at 7pm.

Kunstverein München
Galeriestraße 4 80539 München
Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 10 am - 6 pm

Dexter Sinister
dal 1/10/2015 al 21/11/2015

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Vent'anni di UnDo.Net, un'opera d'arte ideata da artisti che hanno coinvolto centinaia di altri autori e operatori nella costruzione di un ecosistema, di un dispositivo che ha influito a più livelli sul fare arte.
UnDo.Net è un dispositivo di creazione di valore immateriale; pensato come "ecosistema" della cultura contemporanea, come modello partecipativo che sviluppi la condivisione di ricerche, risorse e conoscenze, la collaborazione e lo scambio.
In questi 20 anni UnDo.Net ha perseguito il suo scopo: inventare un nuovo spazio, che prima non esisteva, di sperimentazione e di ricerca, di confronto e di dialogo.


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