The project wants to promote the work of African cartoonists and make them known in Europe, both to the general public and to experts in the field, in order to enable them to enter the international market.
Africa comics exhibition in European Commission, BruxeAfrica Comics
Prize for the best unpublished African comic-story
Opening: 26th June 2003, 5 p.m.
Giorgio Bonacci, Director General of Europaid
Marc Franco, Deputy Director of Europaid
Jose Luis Trimiño Perez, Head of Unit C5 Europaid, Social and human development
Joëlle Guenier-Amsallem, Responsible for the PAMCE programme
Sandra Federici, President of Africa e Mediterraneo
Invited artists
Amanvi (Ivory Coast)
Barly Baruti (R.D. Congo)
Pat Mombili (R.D. Congo)
Thsitshi (R.D. Congo)
Exhibition curated
by Andrea Marchesini Reggiani and Massimo Repetti
In order to partecipate at the opening or to visit the exhibition please confirm
at the number +32 2 2969497 or e-mail
Africa e Mediterraneo
Via Gamberi 4
I-40037 Sasso Marconi (BO)
tel. +39 051 840166
AeM c/o Eurodialog
9 Avenue Palmerston
1040 Bruxelles
tel. +32 2 2307348
tel. +32 2 2969497
The project
Africa e Mediterraneo and its partners have organised for the year 2003-2004 a
project consisting of the following activities:
- the creation of a network of organizations concerned with comics in Africa as
well as the promotion of technical support to the artists associations;
- the second "Africa e Mediterraneo Prize" for the best African comic-strip;
- exhibitions of original comic-strips in different European towns (Belgium,
France, Italy);
-the publication of a comic book and its distribution throughout Europe;
-the organization of meetings focusing on African comics.
The project wants to promote the work of African cartoonists and make them known
in Europe, both to the general public and to experts in the field, in order to
enable them to enter the international market.
The activities involved in the project have the further aim of sensitising the
European public to the issue of inter-cultural exchange through the art of
comics, a medium that facilitates immediate communication.
The exhibition
The exhibition presents a selection of original comics stories sent from all
over Africa expressly for the prize, which is divided into two categories:
"Human Rights" and "Free-subject", as well as original comic-strips sent by
already acknowledged African artists for this event.
Africultures review (France)
Centre d'art Contemporain (Belgium)
Tache d'encre Association (Ivory Coast)
ACRIA Association (R.D. Congo)
In Europe
French Embassy in Italy; Maison Française de Bologne (Italy); Heritage-Oltre i
Confini association (Caldogno, Italy); Sala 1 Gallery (Rome); Dept. of
Architecture at La Sapienza University (Rome), L'Afrique dessinée association
(Paris), Festival International de la Banda Deseñhada de Amadora (Portugal)
In Africa
Atelier Fons (Senegal); Mrara Art association (Eritrea); Sasa Sema publications
(Kenya); MacBD (Cameroon); EccoItalia-Congo Brazzaville association; Escola de
Artes Visuais (Mozambique); Stellenbosch University, Technikon Witwatersrand and
Bitterkomix review (South Africa)
Regione Emilia Romagna
Provincia di Bologna
Agence de la Francophonie
Grafiche del Sasso
Sebino Colori
Studio fotografico Villani
European Commission
Rue de la Loi 41, Europaid