The Sarajevo Film Festival brings its local audiences the best in international independent and commercial film and provides a venue where new films from young directors in Central and Eastern Europe can be seen by local and international audiences alike. At the edge of a new millennium, the Sarajevo Film Festival has become a major cultural event in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the whole region.
The Sarajevo Film Festival brings its
local audiences the best in international
independent and commercial film and
provides a venue where new films from
young directors in Central and Eastern
Europe can be seen by local and
international audiences alike.
In clear distinction to the big festivals of the world, the Sarajevo Film Festival is
obviously a more "human-sized" type of event. The Sarajevo Film Festival was
launched in 1995, and at that time one of the main objectives was the reconstruction
of civil life in a city whose sad fame was to be the world's most famous site of recent
history and war. Even then, Sarajevo kept its unique multi-cultural character, and
adding to it, the Sarajevo Film Festival has created a new platform of exchange,
bringing together people from all parts of the world. Through the celebration of film, the
spark of cosmopolitan life lights up the city again, bringing back some of the glory the
people have missed since the Olympic games.
At the edge of a new millennium, the Sarajevo Film Festival has become a major
cultural event in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the whole region.
With its program of Hollywood, independent, regionally-produced, low-budget and
million-dollar-budget films produced in various styles and formats and with various
techniques, the festival presents an ideal opportunity to get the latest information
about the current situation in the world of film. Filmmakers from all over the world
gather in Sarajevo, exchanging ideas and discussing new projects within the pleasant
atmosphere offered by the festival and Sarajevo as the host city. The festival evolves
from year to year, and so we are pleased to announce that the SIXTH SARAJEVO
FILM FESTIVAL will be the biggest and best one yet.
For more information about Obala Art Centar, submitting films, attending the festival
and visiting Sarajevo, please go to the SFF home page and see these updated
Registration (Rules and Regulations, Entry Form, Accreditation Request)
Logistics (Hospitality, City information, Contact us)
Obala Art Centar, organizer of the Sarajevo Film Festival
10 Obala Kulina Bana
71000 Sarajevo, Bosnia and
Other Country
Tel : 387- 71 254 127
Fax : 387- 71 664 547