Kunsthal Charlottenborg
Nyhavn 2
+45 33 134022 FAX +45 33142570
Ghostbusters (or how to stress photography)
dal 30/4/2013 al 25/5/2013

Segnalato da

Eleonora Farina

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Gennaio 2025


Ghostbusters (or how to stress photography)

Kunsthal Charlottenborg, Copenhagen

Seven different statements about photographic signs as signifying elements, about mapping and tracking an environment, about transfer and translation from one medium to another, about the constitutive ingredients of photography: light and matter, about the role of the author in the photographic process.

comunicato stampa

William Basinski (USA), Bruno Di Lecce (IT), Jacob Jessen (DK), Christoph Keller (DE), Marie Kølbæk Iversen (DK), Roberto Pugliese (IT), Fiete Stolte (DE).

Curated by Eleonora Farina

Jacob of Toves Salon and I met last year in Rome. In a blink of an eye we agreed that today the photographic proces would be the only opening future perspectives in a time of artistic stalemate.

Ghostbusters (or how to stress photography) is an exhibition on photography without photography. Or perhaps and more correct, with photographic pieces in it.

Seven international artists reflect on the photographic procedure and methodology through old and new productions realized for Toves Salon – Charlottenborg Temporary Exhibition Space. Seven different statements about photographic signs as signifying elements, about mapping and tracking an environment, about transfer and translation from one medium to another, about the constitutive ingredients of photography: light and matter (phôs – light, graphè – writing), about the role of the author in the photographic process.

Together with these positions, the show Ghostbusters (or how to stress photography) also presents two “ghost” historical references of Dennis Oppenheim and Gordon Matta-Clark. Throughout the show, and thanks to the subjective perspective of photography, the viewer is invited to create his or hers subjective new times and new spaces.

Because, when liberated from its medium, photography was never more alive than today.

Eleonora Farina

The show is supported by The Danish Arts Council and Københavns Kommunes Billedkunstråd

Roberto Pugliese wants to thank Monacor International

For press enquiries please contact Mette Skov: +45 40282941 / mette@charlottenborg-fonden.dk
Or Helle Bøgelund: +45 33744633 / helleh@kunsthalcharlottenborg.dk

Opening: Wednesday, May 1, 5-8 pm.
Re-enactment of Dennis Oppenheim’s Position for Second Degree Burn

Kunsthal Charlottenborg
Nyhavn 2 1051 Copenhagen K Denmark
Opening hours:
Tuesday - Sunday 11-17
Wednesday 11-20
Monday closed
Adults: 60 kr, Students/Seniors: 40 kr
Children under 16 years free
Admission free Wednesday after 5pm

Michael Stevenson / William Forsythe
dal 19/11/2015 al 20/2/2016

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Vent'anni di UnDo.Net, un'opera d'arte ideata da artisti che hanno coinvolto centinaia di altri autori e operatori nella costruzione di un ecosistema, di un dispositivo che ha influito a più livelli sul fare arte.
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