The show promises to be an intriguing exhibit, as it showcases the work of four ranking California based painters: James Hayward, Roger Herman, Peter Lodato and Hubert Schmalix. The title of the show refers to the philosophy of the 'Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove.'
James Hayward, Roger Herman, Peter Lodato and Hubert Schmalix
Gallery C invites you to attend the opening reception for "Drunken Masters"
on Thursday September 25th from 7-10 pm. The show promises to be an
intriguing exhibit, as it showcases the work of four ranking California
based painters: James Hayward, Roger Herman, Peter Lodato and Hubert
Schmalix. The title of the show refers to the philosophy of the "Seven Sages
of the Bamboo Grove." These 3rd Century Taoist artists believed that to
become "one with the Tao," they had to surrender themselves to the arts and
be submerged in it every day.
The show runs from Sept 25th to November 16th.
Opening reception: Thursday, September 25, 7-10pm
Lecture series held Thursday nights at 7pm:
October 16 Â Roger Herman
October 23 Â Hubert Schmalix
October 30 Â Peter Lodato
November 6 Â James Hayward
For enquires please contact Gallery Manager, Lara Cosman
Hours, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 11am - 6pm; Thursday 11am to
8pm; Sunday 12pm  5pm
Gallery C
1225 Hermosa Ave. Hermosa Beach, CA 90254
Tel, 310-798-0102; Fax, 310-798-0039