South London Gallery SLG
65 Peckham Road
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Orla Barry
dal 17/5/2013 al 17/5/2013

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South London Gallery


Orla Barry

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Gennaio 2025


Orla Barry

South London Gallery SLG, London

Mountain. The UK premiere of a live performance by Irish artist Orla Barry that takes as its starting point the premise that every sentence that we utter is an improvisation.

comunicato stampa

Barry returns to performance after The Scavenger’s Daughters, which was presented at Tate Modern in 2009. For this one-off performance in the South London Gallery’s main space, Barry has selected 36 words, which appear on a wheel-of-fortune that is spun by the actors. The wheel stops on a word and this creates various impromptu scenarios, which follow different random orders for each performance of the work. Using forms of text production such as speech, monologue, interview and poem, Barry creates an ellipsis between text, meaning and performance.

At the root of Barry’s practice are the rhythms, semantics and pictoriality of language. Alongside working as a shepherdess, she engages with performance, sculpture and sound, often all at once, as in Mountain, to create an artwork that slips between media. In these performative tableaux she explores formal, visual, and linguistic tropes that convey how much our world is conditioned by the multiple meanings of words.

Booking is essential. Book online or call 020 7703 6120.

Watch the trailer here:

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Concept and text: Orla Barry
Performance and music: Derrick Devine, Marcus Lamb and Einat Tuchman
A co-production of Playgroundfestival / STUK kunstencentrum Leuven, If I Can’t Dance, and Het Veem Theater, Amsterdam.

Supported by Culture Ireland and co-funded by the European Union.

Orla Barry's work focuses on language, both written and spoken, as well as on visual deconstruction and displacement of language; via frequently associative techniques, she researches the semantics of her mother tongue and its cultural imbedding and implications. Orla Barry lived in Belgium for 16 years and has now returned to live and work in Wexford, Ireland where she practises as an artist and a shepherdess. She has recently had performances at Tate Modern, London; Playground Festival, STUK, Leuven; and De Appel arts centre in Amsterdam. She has also had large solo shows of her work at the CCB, Museu Bernardo, Lisbon (2011, with Rui Chafes); Irish Museum of Modern Art in Dublin (2006); SMAK, Ghent (2005); Camden Arts Centre, London (2005); and W139, Amsterdam (2005). She has taken part in Manifesta 2 and in group shows such as Sense and Sensibility in Sao Paulo and Some Parts of this World in Helsinki. She has been awarded the prize of the Palais de Beaux Arts in the ‘Prix de la Jeune Peinture Belge’ in 2003 and was shortlisted for the Glen Dimplex Prize in 1999.

Sat 18 May, 8pm, £10/£8 conc, Main Gallery

South London Gallery
65 Peckham Road, London
Tuesday – Sunday 11am-6pm
Except Wednesdays 11am-9pm
Last Friday of the month 11am-9pm
Free Admission

Two exhibitions
dal 1/10/2015 al 28/11/2015

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