Manchester Art Gallery
Mosley Street
0161 2358888 FAX 0161 2358899
Dryden Goodwin
dal 31/10/2003 al 25/1/2004
0161 2358888 FAX 0161 2358899
Segnalato da

Kim Gowland


Dryden Goodwin

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Dryden Goodwin

Manchester Art Gallery, Manchester

Dilate has a strong sculptural presence in the gallery space allowing the work to be approached from a distance and viewed from outside the formation of screens, as well as from within it.

comunicato stampa


Dilate (2003) is an ambitious new work by Dryden Goodwin, co-commissioned by Film and Video Umbrella, Manchester Art Gallery and The New Art Gallery, Walsall. Positioning the viewer in the centre of eight video screens that form a large octagon around them, the viewer becomes the pivot of the visual action played out in this arena. Dilate has a strong sculptural presence in the gallery space allowing the work to be approached from a distance and viewed from outside the formation of screens, as well as from within it. In a series of continuous and disrupted panoramas, which depict both the mundane and the spectacular, the starting point of Dilate is the individual's shifting physical and psychological relationship to the multifarious landscapes they move through.

In a series of episodes, Goodwin creates an experience of expanding and contracting horizons that challenge the viewer's perception of physical and emotional space. Goodwin creates these immersive 'wraparound' images with a specially designed 360 degree eight mini-DV camera rig. Dilate explores a mixture of contrasting environments, both populated and unpopulated. Moving through urban and rural expanses, such as coastal locations or open land, domestic and industrial landscapes and intimate and public spaces, a range of dynamic visual and aural experiences emerge; from the still and poignant to the wild and jostling.

Dilate explores how our shifting sense of self inscribes our perception of space and vice versa. Faced with an expansive landscape we can feel isolated, liberated or paralysed; as part of the city, anonymous, identified or alienated; in the domesticity of our homes, safe, confined or overwhelmed; in a virtual network, empowered, remote or victimised.

In Dilate, Goodwin has evolved an evocative and involving language between the different environments and this innovative mode of capturing and presenting images. The dynamics of the work include hand-held sequences, static images of moving subjects, slow panning shots and the use of different zoom speeds on each camera to disrupt the panoramic vision. The soundtrack fuses the audio captured on location with additional orchestration and at times truncated spoken passages.

The debut staging of Dilate coincides with a major retrospective of the later work of JMW Turner at Manchester Art Gallery. Goodwin¹s work, programmed in parallel with the Turner exhibition, offers a contemporary exploration of the imagery of landscape, environments and the elements through digital moving image and sound.

Dilate will be shown at The New Art Gallery Walsall 30 July - September 2004

Manchester Art Gallery
Mosley Street

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