Galerie Dukan Paris
rue Pastourelle, 24
0033 981334995
Olivier Masmonteil
dal 7/3/2014 al 16/4/2014
Tuesday - Saturday: 1 - 7pm

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Galerie Dukan


Olivier Masmonteil

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Olivier Masmonteil

Galerie Dukan Paris, Paris

La memoire du passe'. Masmonteil tries here to revisit the collective memory formed by the history of art. In this context, many artists, depending on periods and nationalities, fascinate him.

comunicato stampa

We are pleased to present La mémoire du passé (March 8 - April 17, 2014), the third solo exhibition by French artist Olivier Masmonteil (1973, Romilly-Sur-Seine, France) at Dukan gallery.

The painter Olivier Masmonteil advances a little more in his chapter «Le plaisir de peindre». After the series Les demoiselles oubliées where the artist explored a real or imagined memory, he tries here to revisit the collective memory formed by the history of art. In this context, many artists, depending on periods and nationalities, fascinate him.
For this series, he chooses to take possession of Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres’ paintings and, in particular, some commissioned portraits focused on details of drapery and rendering of materials.

These richly dressed ladies return to a century and a half later the image of a not so distant memory. With a game of mirrors on the past, he likes to compare the times and ways of painting.

Still life, portrait and vanity then become the tools of a painting game.

Here's a sneak preview:

Galerie Dukan Paris
rue Pastourelle, 24 - Paris

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dal 14/1/2015 al 27/2/2015

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