via Murat, 122/b
393 8704029
Anahita Razmi
dal 25/4/2014 al 26/5/2014
mar-sab 17-20 o su appuntamento

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Anahita Razmi

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Anahita Razmi

Muratcentoventidue, Bari

Domino Dancing. La sua attenzione e' rivolta a quanto accade quando oggetti di uso quotidiano, azioni, immagini e suoni familiari sono trapiantati in un diverso contesto culturale oltre che estetico.

comunicato stampa

----- english

La galleria Muratcentoventidue Artecontemporanea prosegue il suo programma espositivo con Domino Dancing, la prima mostra personale in Italia di Anahita Razmi.

Anahita Razmi è una video artista e performer nata ad Amburgo che vive e lavora tra Stoccarda e Amburgo. Si è recentemente tenuta a Stoccarda, nel Kunstmuseum, la sua prima mostra personale, il suo lavoro è stato esposto nel Padiglione Venezia nell’ultima Biennale.

Di madre tedesca e padre iraniano , Anahita Razmi ha un rapporto speciale con il paese d'origine del padre. Nel suo lavoro si occupa di questioni politiche e sociali, che spesso sono legate all'Iran, affrontando temi universali come l'identità di genere, il diritto all'esistenza, l'esperienza dello sradicamento. La sua attenzione è rivolta a quanto accade quando oggetti di uso quotidiano, azioni , immagini e suoni familiari sono trapiantati in un diverso contesto culturale oltre che estetico. Questi spostamenti semantici e le loro conseguenze sono alla base delle opere della Razmi che spesso prendono in prestito e citano il lavoro di altre artiste di alto profilo. Lavorando all'interno della tradizione di appropriazione e di re-enactment, Anahita Razmi separa simboli culturali dai loro significati consolidati per impiegarli in contesti e situazioni inaspettate come nella sua opera più nota, che si ispira a un pezzo della coreografa Trisha Brown del 1971, Roof Piece, in cui venivano ripresi dodici ballerini mentre danzavano sui tetti di New York. Nel suo lavoro Roof Teheran, vincitore nel 2011 del The Emdash Award (Frieze Foundation), vediamo dei ballerini danzare sui tetti di alcuni edifici di Teheran in un paese dove la danza è illegale e la performance artistica è vietata. Si tratta di un chiaro riferimento alle manifestazioni che si sono tenute sui tetti durante le proteste avvenute nel 2009 dopo le elezioni presidenziali iraniane.

Il video Domino Dancing, che dà il titolo alla mostra, mostra un gruppo di ballerini che partecipa a un Dance Marathon party tenutosi in un salotto di una casa privata di Teheran nel gennaio 2014. Poiché è l'unica musica del party, il coro della hit dei Pet Shop Boys " Domino Dancing " si ripete più volte (Tutto il giorno…tutto il giorno Guarda tutti cadono ..Tutto il giorno, tutto il giorno.. Domino dancing) . La danza va avanti per ore, fino a quando - uno dopo l’altro – i ballerini abbandonano la gara.
Il ballo, le feste miste, la musica occidentale e l’alcool sono ufficialmente vietati in Iran - tuttavia le persone si riuniscono in case private per aggirare le restrizioni. Il lavoro riguarda i modi in cui si nasconde la ribellione - ma utilizzando il format di una maratona di danza, alla rivolta simbolica si sovrappone un faticoso e demoralizzante loop di un movimento del corpo che si ripete in continuazione. ”Guarda..cadono tutti” ,canta Neil Tenant più e più volte, il destino dei ballerini che abbandonano , uno dopo l'altro , è ineluttabile.

Le maratone di ballo erano particolarmente popolari negli Stati Uniti negli anni Venti / Trenta. In un periodo di recessione, la danza aveva poco a che fare con l’esuberanza – i concorrenti per lo più avevano bisogno di soldi e il pubblico era felice per l'intrattenimento a buon mercato. In Domino Dancing la scelta di questo format definisce la performance video, sviluppando relazioni bidirezionali tra danza come espressione di libertà e danza come estenuante fatica di Sisifo.

L'installazione video Arsenals è costituita da una video proiezione e una serie allineata di tradizionali pipe ad acqua sinistramente colorate di nero. Il video mostra il volto dell'artista mentre soffia una serie infinita di nuvole di fumo nella videocamera. Le immagini video, riprodotte al rallentatore , sono legate insieme e accompagnate da estratti di colonne sonore . I brani musicali provengono da una selezione di scene molto coinvolgenti: catastrofi, scene culminanti, rese dei conti, momenti di tensione / suspense . La minima ripetizione del movimento corporeo in combinazione con la composizione musicale produce un’immagine molto stilizzata, che rinvia agli effetti e alle strategie comunemente usati nel cinema commerciale. Un certo numero di tradizionali pipe ad acqua nere è posto di fronte alla proiezione video. Il colore nero e l’allineamento in serie contribuiscono a separare l’oggetto dalla funzione tradizionale, all’interno dell’installazione potrebbero così ricordare un arsenale di armi.

La videoinstallazione House of Strenght è costituita da un videoloop che mostra l'artista mentre pratica uno sport diffuso in Iran, il "Varzesh-e Bastani", che viene eseguito con un’attrezzatura tradizionale in una "Zurkhaneh" (Casa della Forza). Lo sport è praticato solo da uomini in Iran, le donne non sono ammesse nei club. Mettendo in discussione questa base patriarcale dello sport, House of Strenght sostituisce il corpo maschile dell'atleta con il corpo femminile dell’artista. Gli esercizi sono continuamente ripetuti rimandando a un processo meccanico, senza alcun output.

L'installazione ottagonale sul pavimento con la sua forma tipica di una piattaforma in una zurkhaheh, rimanda a una pittura astratta per la sua forma geometrica e il pubblico può attraversarla per seguire il video.

Anahita Razmi (b.1981) è nata ad Amburgo, vive e lavora tra Stoccarda e Amburgo.

October 2007 - September 2009
Postgraduate Studies Fine Arts, Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Stuttgart
Class of Christian Jankowski (Video/Installation/Performance), Class of Rainer Ganahl

August 2005 - January 2006
Pratt Institute, New York, Faculty of Media Arts and Fine Arts

October 2001 - October 2006
Studies of Media Arts, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Diploma, Prof. Christine Hill

Grants / Awards / Residencies

2013 - Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris
2013 - Production Grant, Karin Abt-Straubinger Stiftung
2012 - MAK-Schindler Artists and Architects-in-Residence Program, Los Angeles
2011 - The Emdash Award 2011, Frieze Foundation
2010 - Work Stipend, Edith-Russ-Haus für Medienkunst, Oldenburg
2010 - Nationales Nachwuchsstipendium, Kunstverein Hannover
2010 - Artists Exchange Reutlingen - Szolnok/Ungarn
2009 - Stipend Fine Arts, Stiftung Künstlerdorf Schöppingen
2008 - 2. Price Saar Ferngas Förderpreis Junge Kunst, Kaiserslautern


November 2013 - „Selma Alacam / Anahita Razmi“, Galerie Bernd Kugler, Innsbruck
November 2013 - „The wall behind something/nothing* happened“, Laznia Centre, Gdansk
Oktober 2013 - „Currency X-change“, Hunt Gallery, Webster University, St. Louis
September 2013 - „Encyclonospace Iranica“, Access Gallery Vancouver
September 2013 - „SMILE“, MAK Center for Art and Architecture, Los Angeles
September 2013 - „Nostalgia Nervosa“, State of Concept/ ReMap4, Athen
September 2013 - „Strom Festival“, Kunsthaus Rhenania, Köln
Juni 2013 - "Swing State", Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken (solo)
Juni 2013 - "Silk Map", Padiglione Venezia, 55th Venice Biennale 2013
Mai 2013 - “1. Pers. Sing.”, B-05 Art and Design Center, Montabaur
Mai 2013 - The Second Haifa Mediterranean Biennale, Sakhnin
April 2013 - "Right Brain Problems", Heidelberger Kunstverein
Februar 2013 - "Swing State", Kunstverein Hannover
Januar 2013 - "Automatic Assembly Actions", Carbon12 Dubai (solo)
Januar 2013 - "Present Tense Future Perfect", FELDBUSCHWIESNER, Berlin

Dezember 2012 - "Frischzelle_17: Anahita Razmi", Kunstmuseum Stuttgart (solo)
Oktober 2012 - "Videonale-Donetsk - an exhibition of contemporary video art", IZOLYATSIA Platform for Cultural Initiatives, Donetsk, Ukraine
September 2012 - Sommerfest 2012 | artsprogram, Zeppelin Universität Friedrichshafen
Juli 2012 - „Festival Internacional de Cine“, Casa del Cuno, Costa Rica
Juni 2012 - "Forward / Vorwärts", Carbon 12 Dubai @ Q Contemporary, Beirut
Mai 2012 - "Bucharest Biennale 5: TACTICS FOR THE HERE AND NOW", Bucharest
Mai 2012 - "Jahresgaben", Kunstverein das weisse Haus, Wien
April 2012 - "Neue Klasse", Wiensowski&Harbord, Berlin
März 2012 - "Life is Too Short", Salsali Private Museum, Dubai
März 2012 - "Best Of Best Of Best of", Asociación Libre, Mexico City
März 2012 - "Art Dubai Performance Night", Fort Island, Madinat Jumeirah, Dubai

Dezember 2011 - "Videonale: Dialogue in Contemporary Video Art",
National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
Dezember 2011 - "Iran Via Video Current", Thomas Erben Gallery, New York
Oktober 2011 - "Tausendundeine Heimat", Vertretung des Landes Niedersachsen, Berlin
Oktober 2011 - 9. Frieze Art Fair 2011, London
September 2011 - "The State: Social? Antisocial?", Traffic, Dubai
August 2011 - "Produced@_Zehn Jahre Stipendium für Medienkunst",
Edith-Russ-Haus für Medienkunst, Oldenburg
August 2011 - "A History Out Of Context", The Promenade Gallery, Vlöre, Albania
Juli 2011 - "Make - Believe - Remake", Kunstverein Friedrichshafen (solo)
Juni 2011 - "Division by Zero", Carbon12 Dubai
Juni 2011 - "Wie geht's dir, Stuttgart?", Künstlerhaus Stuttgart
Mai 2011 - Bremer Kunstfrühling 2011 / Edith-Russ-Haus, Güterbahnhof, Bremen
April 2011 - Videonale 13, Kunstmuseum Bonn
März 2011 - Transforma(k)tionen, Kunstbezirk, Stuttgart
März 2011 - Ausstellungsraum Regenbogen, Utopia Parkway, Stuttgart
Februar 2011 - Best Of Best Of Best Of, Video Group Screening Show, Berlin

Dezember 2010 - "SIN!", Bakehouse Art Complex, Miami
November 2010 - Kunstfilmtag 10, Theatersaal des Künstlerverein Malkasten, Düsseldorf
Oktober 2010 - „Das Ding“, G.A.S.-Station, Berlin
September 2010 - „Ikeallahu Akbar“, Interventionsraum, Stuttgart (solo)
August 2010 - „Strange Relations“, Kert Galeria, Szolnok (solo)
Juni 2010 - "Leinen Los!", Kunstverein Hannover
Juni 2010 - 20. Internationales Videofestival Bochum 2010
Juni 2010 - Crosstalk Video Arts Festival, Budapest
Mai 2010 - "Robberies", Kunstverein Das Weisse Haus, Wien
Mai 2010 - Platform NoBudget, Shedhalle, Tübingen
Mai 2010 - Signal & Noise Media Arts Festival 2010, Vancouver
März 2010 - „If Love is an Ice-Cream“, Flat 1, Wien

Dezember 2009 - „It Has Happened“, TPTP Project Space, Paris
Dezember 2009 - Temporary Museum of Subjective Histories, Tehran-Berlin, 1979–2009,
Ballhaus Naunynstrasse, Berlin
Dezember 2009 - „Autobiographics“, Atelier Wilhelmstrasse 16, Stuttgart
November 2009 - „Übermorgenkünstler“, Heidelberger Kunstverein
Oktober 2009 - Märkisches Stipendium für Bildende Kunst, Städtische Galerie, Iserlohn
August 2009 - "One Minute Film & Video Festival Aarau", Aarau, Schweiz
Juli 2009 - „Summer Reading“, Invisible Exports, New York
Juli 2009 - „Krautschneider“, Galerie Lisi Hämmerle, Bregenz
April 2009 - „A Wall is a Screen“, Frauenfilmfestival Dortmund/Köln
April 2009 - Saar Ferngas Förderpreis Junge Kunst, Kunstverein Ludwigshafen
April 2009 - "Broken Tales", Shanghai Theatre Academy, Shanghai, China
März 2009 - "America's Next Topmodel", Klasse Jankowski, Berlin
Februar 2009 - Saar Ferngas Förderpreis Junge Kunst, Galerie Schlassgoart, Luxembourg
Januar 2009 - FrischeKunstMarkt, Stuttgart

Dezember 2008 - Saar Ferngas Förderpreis Junge Kunst, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken
November/Dezember 2008 - GVS Förderpreis Junge Künstler, Stuttgart
Oktober 2008 - „Last Rites“, Tensta Konsthall, Stockholm
Oktober/November 2008 - Saar Ferngas Förderpreis Junge Kunst, Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern
August 2008 - „Young at Art“, Galerie SEE 301, Zürich, Kooperation ZHDK
Juli 2008 - „White Night Film“, 51 Stufen, Flensburg
Juni 2008 - „Iceberg enters Obelisk“, Whitechapel Gallery, London
Mai 2008 - Schöwelpreis für künstlerische Fotografie, Ausstellungsraum, AbK Stuttgart
April/Mai 2008 - „Relocating Absence“, Elevator Gallery, London
April/Juni 2008 - „Kunstspiel“, Kunstbezirk, Stuttgart, Galerie Gustav-Siegle-Haus
April 2008 - FEX Medienkunstnacht, Lange Nacht der Museen, Stuttgart
April 2008 - „AP246“,
Januar 2008 - „Testbild“, Gesamtausstellung, AbK Stuttgart

November 2007 - „Two Days Only“, "Fruit & Flower Deli" Gallery, New York
September 2007 - „takt 9“ Förderpreis Junge Kunst, Zürich
Juni/Juli 2007 - „Homo Bellicus“, Kulturzentrum Christiania, Berlin
Juni 2007 - Theaterfestival „Okkupation“, Zürich

Oktober 2006 - Diplomausstellung “Leichte Aktionen”, Limona Glaskasten, Weimar

Oktober 2005 - „Drawing“, Pratt Institute, South Hall Gallery, New York
Juni 2005 - „fore/sight“, Weimarhalle, Weimar
April 2005 - „Das Eigene & Das Fremde“, ehemalige Grundschule Johannes Falk, Weimar

Juli 2004 - Contact VJ Festival, Cafe Moskau, Berlin
Februar 2004 - K&K Kiosk Weimar, „Schleier -Schutz, Symbol, Repräsentation“


Galleria Muratcentoventidue is pleased to present Domino Dancing, the first solo exhibition in Italy by the internationally acclaimed artist Anahita Razmi. Anahita Razmi studied art and media design in Weimar, New York and Stuttgart. The works of the artist, born in Hamburg in 1981, can be placed between video and performance art. In many projects, Razmi establishes links between her father's country of origin, Iran, and her German home. She makes work that deals with issues concerning identity and gender by employing objects with a national and cultural significance; sometimes borrowing and citing the work of other high-profile artists. Working within the tradition of appropriation and re-enactment, Razmi detaches cultural symbols from their established meanings by employing them in unexpected situations and contexts. In 2011 she realized Roof Piece Tehran, a remake of the famous dance performance “Roof Piece” by Trisha Brown on the roofs of New York city in the 1970s, under difficult conditions in Teheran. The need to keep the project a secret in a country where modern dance is forbidden is tangible in Razmi's twelve-part video installation . In January 2013, the artist realized with her performance " Re / Cut Piece " in Dubai , a re-enactment of the legendary performance " Cut piece " by Yoko Ono (1964) transferring the original performance from their feminist context of the 1960s to contemporary Dubai.

Anahita Razmi has already taken part in various exhibitions, her solo shows include presentations at Kunstmuseum Stuttgart (2012), Kunstverein Friedrichshafen (2011) and Kunstverein Hannover (2013). She received several prestigious awards and scholarships, including the MAK-Schindler Scholarship, Los Angeles(2012) and the Emdash Award of the Frieze Foundation (2011).
The video Domino Dancing, which gives the title to the exhibition, is showing a group of dancers participating in a Dance Marathon Party, that was organized in a Tehran living room in January 2014. As the only party music, the chorus line of Pet Shop Boys Hit "Domino Dancing" is repeated over & over again (ALL DAY ALL DAY WATCH THEM ALL FALL DOWN, ALL DAY ALL DAY, DOMINO DANCING). The dancing to these two lines goes on for hours, until - one by one - the dancers drop out of the race.
Dancing, mixed gender parties, western music & alcohol are officially forbidden in Iran, - still people gather in private homes to sidestep restrictions. The work is relating to that hidden way of rebellion, - but by using the format of a dance marathon, the symbolic uprising is superimposed by an exhausting and demoralizing loop of ever-repeating body movement. WATCH THEM ALL FALL DOWN sings Neil Tenant over and over again, the forecast of the dancers dropping out,one after another, is inevitable.
Dance Marathons were especially popular in the US in the Twenties / Thirties. In a time of recession, the dancing had little to do with exuberance - contestants mostly needed money and audience was happy for cheap entertainment. Within Domino Dancing this chosen format defines the video performance, building up bidirectional relations between dance as an expression of freedom and dance as a back-breaking sisyphean task.
The video installation Arsenals consists of a video projection and a line of black water pipes. The video is showing a portrait of the artist, who is blowing clouds of smoke into the camera in an endless series. The video images, playing in slow motion, are accompanied by strung together extracts of movie soundtrack compositions. The pieces of music originate from a selection of catchy movie scenes: catastrophes, climaxes, showdowns, moments of tension / suspense. The repetition of the minimal body movement in combination with the loaded musical composition produces a minimal but at the same time strongly stylized image that is referring to popular cinematic strategies and effects. The staged climax is replaced and covered by a smoke screen, which is transforming the physical activity into a pathetic buzzword. A number of black sprayed water pipes are placed in front of the video projection. Their original function is abstracted by color and array, within the installation they might recall an arsenal of weapons.
The videoinstallation House of Strength consists of a videoloop and an octagonal colored floor sticker. The video is showing the artist in a five-fold juxtaposition practicing the iranian sports "Varzesh-e Bastani", which is executed with traditional equipment in a “Zurkhaneh” (House of Strength). The sport is only executed by men in Iran, - women are not allowed in the clubs. Initially disturbing this patriarchal base of the sport, the work House of Strength replaces the body of the male athlete with the body of the female artist. The ever repeating exercises are meanwhile reminding of a mechanical process without any output. The octagonal floor installation is referring to the shape of a typical zurkhaheh ring, - located somewhere between an abstract geometrical floor painting and a ring, which can be entered by the audience to follow the video.

Anahita Razmi
Born in 1981 in Hamburg
Lives and works in Stuttgart & Hamburg

October 2007 - September 2009
Postgraduate Studies Fine Arts, Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste, Stuttgart
Class of Christian Jankowski (Video/Installation/Performance), Class of Rainer Ganahl

August 2005 - January 2006
Pratt Institute, New York, Faculty of Media Arts and Fine Arts

October 2001 - October 2006
Studies of Media Arts, Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, Diploma, Prof. Christine Hill

Grants / Awards / Residencies

2013 - Cité Internationale des Arts, Paris
2013 - Production Grant, Karin Abt-Straubinger Stiftung
2012 - MAK-Schindler Artists and Architects-in-Residence Program, Los Angeles
2011 - The Emdash Award 2011, Frieze Foundation
2010 - Work Stipend, Edith-Russ-Haus für Medienkunst, Oldenburg
2010 - Nationales Nachwuchsstipendium, Kunstverein Hannover
2010 - Artists Exchange Reutlingen - Szolnok/Ungarn
2009 - Stipend Fine Arts, Stiftung Künstlerdorf Schöppingen
2008 - 2. Price Saar Ferngas Förderpreis Junge Kunst, Kaiserslautern


November 2013 - „Selma Alacam / Anahita Razmi“, Galerie Bernd Kugler, Innsbruck
November 2013 - „The wall behind something/nothing* happened“, Laznia Centre, Gdansk
Oktober 2013 - „Currency X-change“, Hunt Gallery, Webster University, St. Louis
September 2013 - „Encyclonospace Iranica“, Access Gallery Vancouver
September 2013 - „SMILE“, MAK Center for Art and Architecture, Los Angeles
September 2013 - „Nostalgia Nervosa“, State of Concept/ ReMap4, Athen
September 2013 - „Strom Festival“, Kunsthaus Rhenania, Köln
Juni 2013 - "Swing State", Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken (solo)
Juni 2013 - "Silk Map", Padiglione Venezia, 55th Venice Biennale 2013
Mai 2013 - “1. Pers. Sing.”, B-05 Art and Design Center, Montabaur
Mai 2013 - The Second Haifa Mediterranean Biennale, Sakhnin
April 2013 - "Right Brain Problems", Heidelberger Kunstverein
Februar 2013 - "Swing State", Kunstverein Hannover
Januar 2013 - "Automatic Assembly Actions", Carbon12 Dubai (solo)
Januar 2013 - "Present Tense Future Perfect", FELDBUSCHWIESNER, Berlin

Dezember 2012 - "Frischzelle_17: Anahita Razmi", Kunstmuseum Stuttgart (solo)
Oktober 2012 - "Videonale-Donetsk - an exhibition of contemporary video art", IZOLYATSIA Platform for Cultural Initiatives, Donetsk, Ukraine
September 2012 - Sommerfest 2012 | artsprogram, Zeppelin Universität Friedrichshafen
Juli 2012 - „Festival Internacional de Cine“, Casa del Cuno, Costa Rica
Juni 2012 - "Forward / Vorwärts", Carbon 12 Dubai @ Q Contemporary, Beirut
Mai 2012 - "Bucharest Biennale 5: TACTICS FOR THE HERE AND NOW", Bucharest
Mai 2012 - "Jahresgaben", Kunstverein das weisse Haus, Wien
April 2012 - "Neue Klasse", Wiensowski&Harbord, Berlin
März 2012 - "Life is Too Short", Salsali Private Museum, Dubai
März 2012 - "Best Of Best Of Best of", Asociación Libre, Mexico City
März 2012 - "Art Dubai Performance Night", Fort Island, Madinat Jumeirah, Dubai

Dezember 2011 - "Videonale: Dialogue in Contemporary Video Art",
National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan
Dezember 2011 - "Iran Via Video Current", Thomas Erben Gallery, New York
Oktober 2011 - "Tausendundeine Heimat", Vertretung des Landes Niedersachsen, Berlin
Oktober 2011 - 9. Frieze Art Fair 2011, London
September 2011 - "The State: Social? Antisocial?", Traffic, Dubai
August 2011 - "Produced@_Zehn Jahre Stipendium für Medienkunst",
Edith-Russ-Haus für Medienkunst, Oldenburg
August 2011 - "A History Out Of Context", The Promenade Gallery, Vlöre, Albania
Juli 2011 - "Make - Believe - Remake", Kunstverein Friedrichshafen (solo)
Juni 2011 - "Division by Zero", Carbon12 Dubai
Juni 2011 - "Wie geht's dir, Stuttgart?", Künstlerhaus Stuttgart
Mai 2011 - Bremer Kunstfrühling 2011 / Edith-Russ-Haus, Güterbahnhof, Bremen
April 2011 - Videonale 13, Kunstmuseum Bonn
März 2011 - Transforma(k)tionen, Kunstbezirk, Stuttgart
März 2011 - Ausstellungsraum Regenbogen, Utopia Parkway, Stuttgart
Februar 2011 - Best Of Best Of Best Of, Video Group Screening Show, Berlin

Dezember 2010 - "SIN!", Bakehouse Art Complex, Miami
November 2010 - Kunstfilmtag 10, Theatersaal des Künstlerverein Malkasten, Düsseldorf
Oktober 2010 - „Das Ding“, G.A.S.-Station, Berlin
September 2010 - „Ikeallahu Akbar“, Interventionsraum, Stuttgart (solo)
August 2010 - „Strange Relations“, Kert Galeria, Szolnok (solo)
Juni 2010 - "Leinen Los!", Kunstverein Hannover
Juni 2010 - 20. Internationales Videofestival Bochum 2010
Juni 2010 - Crosstalk Video Arts Festival, Budapest
Mai 2010 - "Robberies", Kunstverein Das Weisse Haus, Wien
Mai 2010 - Platform NoBudget, Shedhalle, Tübingen
Mai 2010 - Signal & Noise Media Arts Festival 2010, Vancouver
März 2010 - „If Love is an Ice-Cream“, Flat 1, Wien

Dezember 2009 - „It Has Happened“, TPTP Project Space, Paris
Dezember 2009 - Temporary Museum of Subjective Histories, Tehran-Berlin, 1979–2009,
Ballhaus Naunynstrasse, Berlin
Dezember 2009 - „Autobiographics“, Atelier Wilhelmstrasse 16, Stuttgart
November 2009 - „Übermorgenkünstler“, Heidelberger Kunstverein
Oktober 2009 - Märkisches Stipendium für Bildende Kunst, Städtische Galerie, Iserlohn
August 2009 - "One Minute Film & Video Festival Aarau", Aarau, Schweiz
Juli 2009 - „Summer Reading“, Invisible Exports, New York
Juli 2009 - „Krautschneider“, Galerie Lisi Hämmerle, Bregenz
April 2009 - „A Wall is a Screen“, Frauenfilmfestival Dortmund/Köln
April 2009 - Saar Ferngas Förderpreis Junge Kunst, Kunstverein Ludwigshafen
April 2009 - "Broken Tales", Shanghai Theatre Academy, Shanghai, China
März 2009 - "America's Next Topmodel", Klasse Jankowski, Berlin
Februar 2009 - Saar Ferngas Förderpreis Junge Kunst, Galerie Schlassgoart, Luxembourg
Januar 2009 - FrischeKunstMarkt, Stuttgart

Dezember 2008 - Saar Ferngas Förderpreis Junge Kunst, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken
November/Dezember 2008 - GVS Förderpreis Junge Künstler, Stuttgart
Oktober 2008 - „Last Rites“, Tensta Konsthall, Stockholm
Oktober/November 2008 - Saar Ferngas Förderpreis Junge Kunst, Pfalzgalerie Kaiserslautern
August 2008 - „Young at Art“, Galerie SEE 301, Zürich, Kooperation ZHDK
Juli 2008 - „White Night Film“, 51 Stufen, Flensburg
Juni 2008 - „Iceberg enters Obelisk“, Whitechapel Gallery, London
Mai 2008 - Schöwelpreis für künstlerische Fotografie, Ausstellungsraum, AbK Stuttgart
April/Mai 2008 - „Relocating Absence“, Elevator Gallery, London
April/Juni 2008 - „Kunstspiel“, Kunstbezirk, Stuttgart, Galerie Gustav- Siegle -Haus
April 2008 - FEX Medienkunstnacht, Lange Nacht der Museen, Stuttgart
April 2008 - „AP246“,
Januar 2008 - „Testbild“, Gesamtausstellung, AbK Stuttgart

November 2007 - „Two Days Only“, "Fruit & Flower Deli" Gallery, New York
September 2007 - „takt 9“ Förderpreis Junge Kunst, Zürich
Juni /Juli 2007 - „Homo Bellicus“, Kulturzentrum Christiania, Berlin
Juni 2007 - Theaterfestival „Okkupation“, Zürich

Oktober 2006 - Diplomausstellung “Leichte Aktionen”, Limona Glaskasten, Weimar

Oktober 2005 - „Drawing“, Pratt Institute, South Hall Gallery, New York
Juni 2005 - „fore/sight“, Weimarhalle, Weimar
April 2005 - „Das Eigene & Das Fremde“, ehemalige Grundschule Johannes Falk, Weimar

Juli 2004 - Contact VJ Festival, Cafe Moskau, Berlin
Februar 2004 - K&K Kiosk Weimar, „Schleier -Schutz, Symbol, Repräsentation“

Talks / Lectures / Etc

April 2014 - Kunstraum Riehen, Talk & Screening,
Anahita Razmi in conversation with Heidi Brunnschweiler
March 2014 - Ö1 Nachtquartier, Anahita Razmi in conversation with Hans Groiss
November 2013 - Same Same Different, Master of Fine Arts Symposium,
ZHdK, Zurich, Talk & Workshop
September 2013 - abc Berlin, Booth Carbon12,
Anahita Razmi in conversation with Christian Malycha
March 2013 - Kunstverein Hannover, Artist Talk,
Samuel Henne, Anahita Razmi, Fabian Reimann
February 2013 - Lunchtime Talk, OG9, Kunsthaus Aussersihl, Zurich
October 2012 - Presentation/Lecture, Sazmanab Platform for Contemporary Arts, Tehran
September 2011 - Gasworks London, Talk & Screening,
Anahita Razmi in conversation with Sam Thorne
October 2010 - Talk / Presentation, Edith-Russ-Haus für Medienkunst, Oldenburg
Ralf Baecker, HeHe, Anahita Razmi
July 2010 - Kunstverein Hannover, Artist Talk,
Samuel Henne, Anahita Razmi & Fabian Reimann
January 2009 - Artist Talk, Stadtgalerie Saarbrücken, Saar Ferngas Förderpreis Junge Kunst

Inaugurazione Sabato 26 aprile 2014, ore 19.30

Muratcentoventidue - Artecontemporanea
Via G. Murat 122/b – Bari
Orario di apertura dal martedì al sabato, dalle 17.30 alle 20.30
Ingresso libero

Chrischa Venus Oswald
dal 9/10/2015 al 29/11/2015

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