Gavin Brown's Enterprise at Passerby
New York
436 West 15th Street
212 6275258
Scary movie
dal 25/1/2004 al 26/1/2004

Segnalato da

Anton Kern Gallery

calendario eventi  :: 
Inaugurazioni | In corso
Gennaio 2025


Scary movie

Gavin Brown's Enterprise at Passerby, New York

''At Midnight I'll Take Your Soul'', 1963, director: Jose Mojica Marins, selected by Dora Longo Bahia. Possession, 1981, director: Andrzej Zulawski, selected by David Altmejd.

comunicato stampa

All screenings are private. To RSVP please contact Emily Speers Mears via email

Monday, January 26th

6:00 pm
At Midnight I¹ll Take Your Soul, 1963
Selected by Dora Longo Bahia
Director: Jose Mojica Marins
Synopsis: Coffin Joe, a.k.a writer/director/star Jose Mojica Marins, is an icon for fans of international horror. A.M.I.T.Y.S is the first horror movie from Brazil, and introduced to the world the top hat- and cape-bedecked, long fingered creepiness of Marins' character Joe. Here he is found terrorizing a small community in search of a woman, one who will bear his unholy child.
Runtime: 81 minutes

7:30 pm
Possession, 1981
Selected by David Altmejd
Director: Andrzej Zulawski
Cast: Isabelle Adjani, Sam Neill, Heinz Bennent

A secret agent named Marc returns home after an assignment to find his wife Helen acting peculiar. He soon realizes that she's been having an affair. Runtime: 123 minutes

9:45 pm
Ginger Snaps, 2001
Selected by Sue de Beer
Director: John Fawcett
Cast: Emily Perkins, Mimi Rogers, Katherine Isabelle Synopsis: Ginger and Brigitte are two sisters who are obsessed with death and with each other. Already thought of as the school weirdos, Ginger begins to behave even more strangely after she¹s bitten by a mysterious creatureŠ
Runtime: 108 minutes

The exhibition SCREAM: 10 artists x 10 writers x 10 scary movies addresses a diversity of horrors influencing today¹s contemporary artists ­ from Slasher films and Halloween traditions to the howl of Black Metal.

A catalog proposal, which mockingly adheres to the 10 x 10 x 10 framework of CREAM curatorial projects by Phaidon, accompanies the exhibition. Additionally, instead of taking stabs at an artist¹s practice by assigning Œsource artist¹ relationships, we¹ve invited the artists to select scary movies as a way to contextualize their individual ties to horror. A mute discussion carries out on screen after gallery hours.

³Scream: 10 artists x 10 writers x 10 scary movies² is on view January 15 ­ February 14 at Anton Kern Gallery, located at 532 W. 20th Street. For further information please contact Michael Clifton or Fernanda Arruda at 212-367-9663, or by email at

Passerby, located at 436 West 15th Street, New York

Radical Living Papers
dal 1/2/2007 al 19/3/2007

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