Wyspa Institute of Art
Ul. Doki 1, Building 145B
+48 583204446
Alternativa 2014
dal 15/10/2014 al 30/12/2014
Segnalato da

Radoslaw Orzel


Hito Steyerl
Aneta Szylak

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Alternativa 2014

Wyspa Institute of Art, Gdansk

"Abstract" is a solo exhibition of the outstanding German artist, theoretician and documentary essayist Hito Steyerl. Her work outlines the relationship between the flow of capital and the value of art, between financial and symbolic capitals, between war and aesthetics.

comunicato stampa

Curator: Aneta Szyłak

Alter­na­tiva 2014 is proud to pre­sent Abs­tract – the first solo exhi­bi­tion in Poland of the out­stan­ding Ger­man artist, the­ore­ti­cian and docu­men­tary essay­ist Hito Stey­erl. She is a key figure of con­tem­po­rary art and film, one who views the image-​​making pro­cess from femi­nist, cri­ti­cal and poli­ti­cal perspectives.

Her main area of inte­rest is in media ana­ly­sis: a re-​​definition of meanings in shi­fting ima­ges. Her work outli­nes the rela­tion­ship between the flow of capi­tal and the value of art, between finan­cial and sym­bo­lic capi­tals, between war and aesthe­tics. The artist draws our atten­tion not so much to things that we are able to see but to those, which we do not see, which are hid­den before our very eyes because of the seduc­tive power of representation.

Here she has again, tur­ned her atten­tion to the hid­den layer of an image –the phy­si­cally exi­stence of a wall struc­ture and pic­ture as mat­ter. Does a pic­ture have a body? What do we learn from an image, which is blur­red, obli­te­ra­ted, badly made — rejec­ted? The artist cha­ses her own medium of film as a tool for mani­pu­la­ting the vie­wer and infor­ma­tion. She is also inte­re­sted in the ways in which the human body enco­des and records beha­vio­urs and pro­ce­du­res; the body, as a recor­ding and retrie­ving tool. Simul­ta­ne­ously, Stey­erl explo­res her own history as a per­son whose life with the camera is a con­ti­nual return to the questions: What does it mean to make an image of some­one, to film them, to cre­ate rela­tion­ships thro­ugh recor­ding? What does it mean to be in a pic­ture and repre­sent one­self as the per­son who not only wat­ches but is also being wat­ched all the time.

Stey­erl is con­ti­nu­ally asking the question: what does it mean to be visi­ble or invi­si­ble in a time of recor­ding, scan­ning and surve­il­lance, when all of our moves and acti­vi­ties are being docu­men­ted and sys­te­ma­ti­cally used, often without our know­ledge and/​or per­mis­sion, in a mili­ta­ri­sed and profit-​​oriented reality. We can see a col­lage of various tech­no­lo­gi­cal lan­gu­ages in her works, along with aesthe­tics of recor­ding and per­su­asion, entan­gling us thro­ugh a con­ti­nual flow of capi­ta­li­sed infor­ma­tion. The artist sket­ches the rela­tion­ship between seemin­gly dispa­rate doma­ins of know­ledge; she can pre­ci­sely, scru­pu­lo­usly and pain­fully mimic various forms of communication.

Her exhi­bi­tion will be unve­iled as the final show­piece of Alter­na­tiva 2014: The Gar­den of Eve­ry­day Errors shows her latest works, among which are pie­ces such as: Liqu­idity Inc., Novem­ber, Adorno’s Grey, How Not to be Seen, Guards and Is the Museum a Bat­tle­field? and impor­tant older work such as Lovely Andrea.

The Ber­lin — based artist has par­ti­ci­pa­ted in a num­ber of leading exhi­bi­tions of con­tem­po­rary art, such as: Docu­menta, Mani­fe­sta, as well as Bien­nials in Venice, Taipei, Istan­bul and Gwan­gju. Her solo exhi­bi­tions have been hosted by art insti­tu­tions, such as: the Art Insti­tute in Chi­cago, the Museum of Con­tem­po­rary Art in San Diego, the Van Abbe Museum in Ein­dho­ven, the ICA in Lon­don and many others. She com­ple­ted her film stu­dies in Munich and Tokyo, and ear­ned her PhD at the Aca­demy of Fine Arts in Vienna. She is a pro­fes­sor at the Uni­ver­sity of Art (UDK) in Ber­lin and has also lec­tu­red at Gold­smi­ths and the Cen­tre for Cura­to­rial Stu­dies at Bard Col­lege. Stey­erl con­tri­bu­tes regu­larly to the jour­nal e-​​flux where she authors nume­rous texts on issues con­cer­ning image the­ory, inc­lu­ding those publi­shed in the col­lec­tion The Wret­ched of the Screen. Stern­berg Press: 2013.

This exhi­bi­tion is the 4th and last act of Alter­na­tiva 2014: The Gar­den of Eve­ry­day Errors. For­mer exhi­bi­tions were Oli­ver Res­sler: Poli­ti­cal Ima­gi­na­ries: Making the World Anew, Eve­ry­day­ness and Otherwise.

The exhi­bi­tion was finan­ced by the means from The City of Gdansk, and co-​​finances by means from The Mini­stry of Cul­ture and Natio­nal Heri­tage, and reali­sed thanks to the help form Insi­tut für Auslands­be­zie­hun­gen (ifa) in Stut­t­gart. Grupa Azoty SA is a part­ner of Alter­na­tiva 2014.

Opening: 16 October, 7 p.m.

Wyspa Institute of Art
Doki 1/145B 80-958 Gdansk Poland
Opening hours
Tuesday - Sunday 12:00 - 8:00 PM

Alternativa 2014
dal 15/10/2014 al 30/12/2014

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