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Visual artist Joelle Tuerlinckx ventures into new territory: the theatre. And she immediately creates an iall-round show in which she again draws from her vast archive. A part of that archive, images she uses to 'theatricalise' the world , was the basis of her impressive solo exhibition in Wiels (2012-13). Tuerlinckx wants to remove the art world from its stereotypical setting of galleries and museums and put it on the stage. Her partner in crime is artist Christoph Fink, with whom she has been working for many years on a sound archive in which they keep recordings of village bands, and also lectures, real or fictitious interviews, etc. In the manner of a silent film, Fink will accompany Tuerlinckx' images with a soundtrack. A third pillar in Tuerlinckx' 'theatre laboratory' consists of text; she also frequently uses texts in her artistic work. Theatrical illusion and imagination take control.