'Self-Timer Stories' is a group show that explores the creation of a portrait via self-timer through works from the Federal Austrian Photography Collection in interplay with international artists. 'Primary Sector' reflects the economy that makes direct use of the natural resources. 'Works from the Collection' rethink and question the narratives
16 May, 2015 - 10 January, 2016
Primary Sector
Artists: Paco Algaba, Alfonso Borragán, Álvaro Laiz, Asunción Molinos Gordo, Javier Riera, Antje Schiffers
Curatorship: Manuel Olveira
Coordination: Carlos Ordás
Primary Sector is a group show produced by MUSAC which lends a particular focus to the import and presence of landscape, agriculture and farming, hunting and mining, etc. in the surrounding environs of Castilla y León. And it will do so through the work of a series of contemporary artists from Spain and worldwide. On one hand, it will document the economic paradigm shift that has decreed that certain areas of the primary sector are now "unviable" within the current economic situation; and, on the other, it will underscore the irrefutable and primordial value of these very same activities. Antje Schiffers has focused her research and work on rural life and farming; Asunción Molinos Gordo centres her attention on agriculture and food; Álvaro Laiz’s project, tellingly titled Fósil, addresses the vanishing mining industry which is such a core part of the identity of León; Alfonso Borragán works with water, rivers, dams and all the panoply of mythical and playful aspects associated with them; Paco Algaba has rooted his area of investigation in the land itself; and Javier Riera explores the presence and dimension of the landscape, nature and wild animals.
16 May, 2015 - 13 September, 2015
Self-timer Stories
Artists: Bernadette Anzengruber, Renate Bertlmann, Katrina Daschner, Carola Dertnig, VALIE EXPORT, Esther Ferrer, Heidi Harsieber, Sharon Hayes, Matthias Herrmann, Juan Hidalgo, AA Bronson & Matthias Herrmann, Birgit Jürgenssen, Barbara Kapusta, Susi Krautgartner, Friedl Kubelka (aka vom Gröller), Roberta Lima, Anja Manfredi, Dorit Margreiter, Ana Mendieta, Michaela Moscouw, Laurel Nakadate, Lilo Nein, Cristina Núñez, Carlos Pazos, Sasha Pirker, Àngels Ribe, Constanze Ruhm, Hans Scheirl, Toni Schmale, Carolee Schneemann, Peter Weibel, Hans Weigand, Martha Wilson, Francesca Woodman
Curatorship: Felicitas Thun-Hohenstein
Coordination: Kristine Guzmán
Exhibition design: Dorit Margreiter
The exhibition Self-Timer Stories at the MUSAC Leon presents works from the Federal Photographic Gallery of Austria in the context of other international positions from extended photography. At MUSAC the show enters in dialog with Spanish works since the 1960’s.
The leitmotif of this exhibition is the creation of a self-portrait via self-timer. This practice, popular both in everyday life and art, reciprocates with technical developments and shows itself in the release cables appearing in the compositions, the digital remote-control release, or the extended hand. In the moment of the camera’s clicking (which is even artificially reproduced in digital photography) the “I as autotimer” becomes prevalent and thus marks the relationship of subject and world, which has always been inseparably linked with the media.
The choice of the medium for publishing self-portraits – mere photography, slide show, or as a book – makes the private matter shown therein public. In contemporary social media intimate and personal matters, which people wish to present and put on display, ultimately are only staged and performed for the camera. The publication of the private, also in autobiographies, harbors a moment of fictionalization.
Therefore, the exhibition demonstrates how discourses on identity and photography in de-fixation mode, which do not necessarily focus on the subjects but rather the relationship between image and gaze, can be used as an emancipatory artistic tool to intervene in visual politics.
16 May, 2015 - 20 September, 2015
Guided Tour: Artist, Museum, Spectactor
Works from the MUSAC collection
Artists: Antoni Abad, Ana Laura Aláez, Eugenio Ampudia, Matthew Barney, Lina Bertucci, Daniele Buetti, Colectivo Centro de Arte Ego, Anne Collier and Matthew Higgs, DR. Hoffman, Sandra Gamarra, Dora García, Ruth Gómez, Andreas Gursky, Candida Höfer, Zhang Huan, David Iturregui, Christian Jankowski, Isaac Julien, Juan del Junco, Miki Leal, Juan López, Cristina Lucas, Joan Morey, Ángel Núñez Pombo, Ana Prada, Pipilotti Rist, Manuel Sáiz, Thomas Werner, Cerith Wyn Evans.
Curatorship: Paco Barragán
Coordination: Raquel Álvarez
‘Guided Tour: Artist, Museum, Spectator’ is a group show of works in the MUSAC Collection which analyses, reflects and questions the narratives, functions and conventions of the whole art system. While the first element in the title references the inevitable paradox inherent to the museum from its very conception —caught between (excessive) didactism and the need for mediation— as well as the role of the curator-mediator; the second part alludes to the complex and asymmetrical relationships between the artist, the museum and the spectator.
Divided into three thematic sections —artist, museum, spectator— the exhibition includes works by Pipilotti Rist, Antonio Abad, Matthew Barney, Pierre Huyghe, Cristina Lucas, Christian Jankowski, Ruth Gómez, Isaac Julien, Sandra Gamarra, Candida Höfer, Dora García, Zhang Huan, Cerith Wyn Evans, David Iturregui, Anne Collier & Matthew Higgs, Ana Laura Aláez, Daniele Buetti, Joan Morey, Juan López and Lina Bertucci. In this regard, the work ‘I Married an Artist’ by Anne Collier and Matthew Higgs could well operate as the leitmotif for various different and interconnected narratives that ‘Guided Tour: Artist, Museum, Spectator’ wishes to address in an exercise not exempt from irony or self-critique.
Image: Anne Collier, Matthew Higgs, I married and artist
Press contact
Izaskun Sebastián Tel: +34 987091103 izaskun@musac.es
MUSAC, Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Castilla y León
Avda. Reyes Leoneses, 24 León Spain
TUESDAY TO FRIDAY 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
SATURDAY, SUNDAY AND HOLIDAYS 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.
CLOSED Mondays (including holidays that fall on a Monday)
General admission: 3€
Reduced admission: 2€
Free Admission under 8 years of age