Kunsthalle Basel
Steinenberg 7
+41 612069900 FAX +41 612069919
Vincent Fecteau
dal 16/6/2015 al 22/8/2015

Segnalato da

Claudio Vogt


Vincent Fecteau

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Gennaio 2025


Vincent Fecteau

Kunsthalle Basel, Basel

You Have Did the Right Thing When You Put That Skylight In. His sculptures are built from small, slow accumulations in which layering, texture, and the work of the hand are all visible. The show spans from 2000 to the present plus the premiere of new body of work.

comunicato stampa

Vincent Fecteau (b. 1969) has, over the last two decades, forged a singular aesthetic that mixes homespun materials (popsicle sticks, champagne corks, string, and the like), meticulous craft work, and a curious formal grammar.
By turns wonky, erotic, extraterrestrial, or baroque—and sometimes all of these at once—his sculptures are built from small, slow accumulations in which layering, texture, and the work of the hand are all visible.

You Have Did the Right Thing When You Put That Skylight In, the San Francisco–based artist’s largest exhibition to date and his first solo show in Switzerland, is a selection of sculptures spanning from 2000 to the present plus the premiere of a large new body of work.
Comprised of images culled from magazines and other ready-made elements (shoeboxes, jewelry boxes, wicker baskets, and other lo-fi containers, all painted the matte-est of blacks), these wall sculptures manifest both a return to his origins (collage) and a significant new direction.

The exhibition benefits from the generous support of Martin Hatebur.

Image: Vincent Fecteau, Untitled, 2015
Courtesy the artist, Galerie Buchholz, greengrassi, Matthew Marks Gallery

Press contact:
Claudio Vogt, Head of Press and Public Programs +41 61 2069911 or press@kunsthallebasel.ch

Press preview 17 June 2015 / Wed / 11:00 – 12:00
Opening: Wed, June 17, 2015, 7 pm

Kunsthalle Basel
Steinenberg 7 CH-4051 Basel
Tue / Wed / Fri 11am–6pm
Thu 11am–8.30pm
Sat / Sun 11am–5pm
Opening hours during the Art Basel week (15-21.6.2015)
Mon-Tue, Thu-Sun 10 am – 8 pm
Wed 10 am – 10 pm
Admission: CHF 10.-/6.- incl. S AM Swiss Architecture Museum

Maryam Jafri
dal 26/8/2015 al 31/10/2015

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Vent'anni di UnDo.Net, un'opera d'arte ideata da artisti che hanno coinvolto centinaia di altri autori e operatori nella costruzione di un ecosistema, di un dispositivo che ha influito a più livelli sul fare arte.
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