Aron Packer Gallery
118 N. Peoria
312 2268984 FAX 312 2268985
Two exhibitions
dal 18/11/2004 al 8/1/2005
312 2268984 FAX 312 2268985
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Aron Packer Gallery


Lisa Krivacka
Brent Riley

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Two exhibitions

Aron Packer Gallery, Chicago

Lisa Krivacka: Open House / Into the Woods. She will present two separate yet related bodies of work: these are autobiographical for her. Continuing her exploration about sense of place relating to the home and its larger environs, she explores aspects of her new rural life. Brent Riley: New Drawing and Paintings on wood. In each piece the way the forms relate take over the course of the drawing and tell him what needs to go where.

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Lisa Krivacka Open House/ Into the Woods

Lisa Krivacka's second solo show at Aron Packer Gallery will present two separate yet related bodies of work. These are autobiographical for her. With the recent sale of her Manhattan apartment, leaving NYC, and the purchase of new digs in upstate NY, Krivacka focuses a creative outpouring from two sides of herself, one concept driven and ironic ­ the other, folksy and nostalgic.

OPEN HOUSE explores the surreal world of the real estate hunt. This infinite subculture and the lexicon surrounding it informed these paintings based on actual real estate ads. The properties were culled from Internet sites and from real estate magazines found at train stations and convenience stores. When Krivacka was perusing the listings - she was able to decipher 'code phrases' commonly used in real estate. The phrases were humorous and ironic when paired with the visuals of the properties.

These paintings capture the earnestness of the listings and points to their humor without poking fun; rather, they celebrate the anything-goes tradition of American-style hucksterism-- the false promises, boasts, and half-truths. And though the ads are at times amusing and entertaining, one cannot forget these were and will be homes where we live. Krivacka's art lovingly hints at this awareness -- there is a difference between simple property and a home.

Continuing her exploration about sense of place relating to the home and its larger environs, Into the Woods explores aspects of her new rural life. Like the Hudson River Valley painters of the 19th century, Krivacka is fascinated by the views and culture of her new home in Germantown, New York, a small rural community two hours north of New York City. The landscape is vast and daunting and there is menace implicit in the dark woods. This change of scenery, from sixteen years of city dwelling, to country quiet and isolation provides more than a wealth of subject matter.


Brent Riley New Drawing and /Paintings on Wood

Rules: 1- All drawing must be made with a Cross black ballpoint pen on pine planks (@ 9" X 12"). The ink may be rubbed to create subtle shading- as subtle a tone as is possible on wood.

2- All color has to be made with watercolor or acrylic- The color may reinforce the image, or go completely counter and set up an obstacle to be dealt with. The pieces are then coated with a UV filtering varnish.

3- All pieces must be improvised- no preliminary drawing on the wood- no sketches beforehand- only pre-thinking is allowed.

4- All pieces must be completed within a week. This dampens the habit of working one area until it's complete- He must watch the clock as he makes a coherent and balanced image.

Riley is not trying to be cute with these rules, as much as he's trying to find a balance between his obsession for the finish of each work and the urge to be rid of that obsession. There are probably all sorts of psychological implications for the images and the rules, but he doesn't really care to analyze.... When it comes to the figures, he's more interested in how they fit together and what kind of "play" (use any meaning you choose here) is generated. At a certain point in each piece the way the forms relate take over the course of the drawing and tell him what needs to go where.

Who/What: Gallery One: Lisa Krivacka Open House/ Into the Woods
Gallery Two: Brent Riley New Drawings/Paintings on Wood

When: November 19 ­ January 8, 2005
Artists' Reception: Friday, November 19, 6-9 PM

Gallery Hours: Tuesday ­ Saturday 11:00AM­ 5:30PM

Where: Aron Packer Gallery 118 N. Peoria Chicago IL 60607

Three solo shows
dal 15/10/2009 al 13/11/2009

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