Kunsthalle Exnergasse Wuk
Wahringer Strasse 59
+43 1 4012141 FAX +43 1 4012167
Bildet to-do-stapel!
dal 25/1/2005 al 26/2/2005
+43-1-4012141 or 4012142 FAX +43-1-4012167
Segnalato da

Klaus Schafler

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Bildet to-do-stapel!

Kunsthalle Exnergasse Wuk, Wien

12 jahre monochrom. monochrom is an unpeculiar mixture of proto-aesthetic fringe work, pop attitude, subcultural science and political activism; is an open field of experimentation: international art scene, panel discussion event technology, souls bought and sold, game and shame shows, readings of the dreariest sort, theory cocooning, film short processing...

comunicato stampa

12 jahre monochrom

Curated by Günther Friesinger, Johannes Grenzfurthner
Teilnehmer: monochrom, Adbusters, Maschek, Minou Modarressy-Mahboobi, new art, Dmitri Prigov, Tommy Schmidt, Richard Wientzek

monochrom is an art-technology-philosophy group of basket weaving enthusiasts and theory do-it-yourselfers having its seat in Vienna and Zeta Draconis. monochrom is the super-affirmation of the globalization trap. monochrom has existed in this (and every other) form since 1993.

monochrom is an unpeculiar mixture of proto-aesthetic fringe work, pop attitude, subcultural science and political activism. monochrom publishes the book of the same name in addition to its activity in other areas. What are we doing? monochrom is an open field of experimentation: international art scene, panel discussion event technology, souls bought and sold, game and shame shows, readings of the dreariest sort, theory cocooning, film short processing, website squatters' consultancy, alternative space travel projects, do-it-yourself surveillance courses, riddle rallyes, ecumenical field services, overhead projector comics, circumstantiation, Power Point fairytales, layouting and decomposition, propagandistic summer camps, monumental puppet theater, aesthetic pregnancy counseling, producing, promoting and destroying music, party service, expressional dance, Biennial brawls, GDR rock, DJ events and lots more...

monochrom's mission, its passion and quasi-ontological vocation, is primarily the collection, grouping, registration and querying (liberation?) of the scar tissue represented by everyday cultural artifacts. This mission is conducted everywhere, but first and foremost in culture-archeological digs into the seats (and pockets) of ideology and entertainment.

What does that all mean. Everything and nothing. Anyway, you feel well but are afraid of skin cancer.

monochrom is an offer, for a limited time only, to partake of our guided tours and travel services, but it is also a collage with archive and an alternative listing system that understands how to evade mainstream agricultural influence through the art of movement. monochrom is a book, a notebook, a fanzine. As a book it is the book based on the major motion picture; the movie is the movie based on the situation, the situation is political; and, being political, it is supranational; the supranational is a job for Superman, but it is also a prototype of the typical workaday anomie of today's individual. The continental drift arising from this workaday anomie needs to be supranationally reanchored in little planned ergonomies. monochrom, as its name already indicates, can be read in the tradition of Russian Suprematism, but also under any ordinary nightstand lamp. monochrom is a website, an email invitation, a media archive. As an email invitation it is an offer to make contact, and yet this contact is subject to numerous special conditions, such as that of human existence. Thus no email invitations are sent to frogs and a roll of 35mm film has never been encouraged to make a state visit to a potential public. Still, among people, there is contact. And there is monochrom.

Make to-do lists!

monochrom is: Johannes Grenzfurthner, Evelyn Fürlinger, Frank Apunkt Schneider, Franky Ablinger, Harald Homolka List, Daniel Fabry and a whole lot of satellites.

An external commentary: "Putting the world that we experience as a habitable Inside into relationship with a new world and a new way of life: this is the task of fantasy and science fiction, of criticism and anarchism, and maybe also of fairy tales and religion. This is a task that monochrom takes very seriously while being very funny. monochrom is - and they admit this openly -not a sect, but a movement, and as such newly a recognized religion. A religion as the binding of thinking and life to the Outside, a religion in which there is no Beyond to devalue life because it recognizes no here and now, a religion in which all power exists in the form of radiation and which does without institutional centralization, without God or King - even if it is the King of Persia." (Drehli Robnik)

Postal address: monochrom/Museumsquartier, Museumsplatz 1, A-1070 Vienna, Austria/Europe - +43-676-7831453 - http://www.monochrom.at - feedback@monochrom.at is Electronic feedback

Vernissage: 26.1.2005, 19:00

Kunsthalle Exnergasse - Währingerstraße 59, Stiege 2, first floor - Vienna
Opening Hours: Tuesday-Friday: 2pm-7pm - Saturday: 10am-1pm

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