Sadie Coles HQ (old location)
35 Heddon Street
020 74342227 FAX 020 74342228
Avner Ben-Gal
dal 13/9/2005 al 15/10/2005
020 7434 2227 FAX 020 7434 2228
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Sadie Coles HQ


Avner Ben-Gal

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Gennaio 2025


Avner Ben-Gal

Sadie Coles HQ (old location), London

Artist's elusive and moody paintings present landscapes and rural views with a desolate edge, rendered burnt and barren, by harshness of climate or by damage reaped by man. Warehouses and barns go up in flames, harvests are poorly planted and meager in their rewards, and shady looking farmers struggle to make an impact.

comunicato stampa

Avner Ben-Gal’s elusive and moody paintings present landscapes and rural views with a desolate edge, rendered burnt and barren, by harshness of climate or by damage reaped by man. Warehouses and barns go up in flames, harvests are poorly planted and meager in their rewards, and shady looking farmers struggle to make an impact. The depictions of marine and animal life emerge from the painterly surface; an iguana rests atop a plasmatic stone in a burnt out abstract desert setting, basking in the sun in all its mimetic glory.

Ben-Gal’s preference is for somber, muted tones. A hazy veil appears across the surface of many of the paintings, pressing us to bring the image into focus and decipher its open-ended content. The implied narratives marry the content of fables with the harsh reality of propagation. They evoke the structure of dreams or hallucinations, as tangible elements knit together to form a worryingly unresolved picture of a land and its inhabitants in transition.

Ben-Gal’s paintings involve abstraction, on the verge of mannerism, depicting landscapes and still lives of bones, sex organs, fruit, vegetal matter and ashes. The paintings shift between intense narratives and painterly concerns, the ethereal quality of some serving to enhance the intensity of others. Some works suggest imagined scenes and scenarios, while elsewhere a prophetic strain emerges, as Ben-Gal contemplates the threshold between dream and fable.

This is Avner Ben-Gal’s first show at Sadie Coles HQ. Ben-Gal lives and works in Tel Aviv. His work was included in Clandestine, curated by Francesco Bonami, a section of Dreams and Conflicts: The Dictatorship of the Viewer, 50th Biennale di Venezia, 2003.

For further information or images please contact Katy Reed on +44 20 7434 2227 or

Image: Avner Ben Gal, Salt Mine, I, 2002, Tal Esther Gallery, fot. Yigal Pardo

Private view, 14 Sept, 6-8pm

Sadie Coles HQ
35 Heddon Street

Simon Periton
dal 24/2/2009 al 27/3/2009

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Vent'anni di UnDo.Net, un'opera d'arte ideata da artisti che hanno coinvolto centinaia di altri autori e operatori nella costruzione di un ecosistema, di un dispositivo che ha influito a più livelli sul fare arte.
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