In the Streets of Tirana - new drawings. Painting becomes a caricature for the artist. He is aware that the medium of expression is not the most important one in the process of creation. He sticks always to the idea, the concept.
In the Streets of Tirana - new drawings
Curated by Stefano Romano
Painting becomes a caricature for Jakup Ferri. He is now aware that the medium of expression is not the most important one in the process of creation. He sticks always to the idea, the concept. If it can be called this way since he feels there is much more to it, like for example a tendency and persistence towards mockery. He jokes with everything. He sees the world with the eyes of a dreamy child. A giant plays with the scarecrow. He creates in a wood the queue of suicide ant-peoples. He flattens the peak of the pyramid of values to make way to a football stadium.
If you do not ask for more, you will find plenty in Jakup!
1.60insurgent space is the name of a space that move itself continuously inside the cities, producing exhibitions whose intent is to put to comparison international artists with various places, different from the "institutional ones", in order to create new arguments around the art and its borders. The exhibitions are curated every month by Stefano Romano and a different curator each time.
With the support of the European Cultural Foundation and the Institute of Tirana Biennale.
1.60insurgent space
Rr. Besim Imami, Pall.56, ap.9 - Tirana