Valie Export
Heinz Gappmayr
Akos Birkas
Julius Koller
Hubert Fichte
Leonore Mau
Janez Bernik
Vesna Bukovec
Lada Cerar
Metka Zupanic
Daniel Hafner
Constantin Luser
Lilla Khoor
Mircea Cantor
Tobias Putrih
Felicitas Kruse
Franziska Furter
Orban Gyorgy
Nick Botticher
Martina Steckholzer
Rudolf Steckholzer
Denisa Lehocka
Katrin Bucher Trantow
Katia Schurl
Il progetto mette a confronto diretto due generazioni di artisti, austriaci e di paesi limitrofi, proponendo una panoramica focalizzata su come vivono il rapporto tra la loro identita' ed il tempo. In mostra opere di Valie Export, Heinz Gappmayr, Akos Birkas, Julius Koller, Hubert Fichte e Leonore Mau, Janez Bernik, Vesna Bukovec, Lada Cerar, Metka Zupanic, Daniel Hafner, Constantin Luser, Lilla Khoor, Mircea Cantor, Tobias Putrih...
Due generazioni
A cura di Katrin Bucher Trantow e Katia Schurl
Uno dei piu' significativi aspetti della produzione artistica contemporanea e' l’avere libero accesso a qualsiasi forma d informazione; altrettanto rilevanti sono gli aspetti legati alla disponibilita' e varieta' degli strumenti usufruibili, il relativo legame geografico degli artisti e di conseguenza, l’esposizione ad importanti influenze provenienti da diverse culture.
Cosa fanno le generazioni piu' giovani, o le piu' anziane, degli artisti di oggi ?
Dove vivono, come sviluppano la loro identita', in quale modo gestiscono il loro spazio, come incrementano la loro storia ? Queste ed altre domande troveranno risposta nella mostra “-35 /+65 Racconti" organizzata dalla Kunsthaus di Graz. Il progetto mettera' a confronto diretto due generazioni di artisti, sia austriaci che dei paesi limitrofi, proponendo una panoramica focalizzata sul come essi vivono il rapporto tra la loro identita' ed il tempo.
Racconti di genesi quindi, installazioni che si pongono importanti domande su modelli ed ideali, esponendo la storia del presente e del passato per mezzo di un intreccio culturale localizzato.
Con opere di Valie Export, Heinz Gappmayr, Akos Birkas, Julius Koller, Hubert Fichte e Leonore Mau, Janez Bernik, Vesna Bukovec, Lada Cerar, Metka Zupanic, Daniel Hafner, Constantin Luser, Lilla Khoo'r, Mircea Cantor, Tobias Putrih, Felicitas Kruse, Franziska Furter, Orban Gyorgy, Nick Botticher, Martina Steckholzer, Rudolf Steckholzer, Denisa Lehocka ed altri.
Two Generations
Curators: Katrin Bucher Trantow and Katia Schurl
She was not really sure whether she should approach the broadly smiling lady at reception. Why such a big smile? Aren't smiles often used to mask an attack? Quite frequently she had observed that people often only smile, if they want something. Most of the time they want your money. Now this woman makes this irritatingly inviting gesture: "Come with me, I will take you on a journey into the unknown", she susurrates under her shiny white teeth. Unknown? Usually not good.
Narratives are worlds one enters, stays in for a while and then abandons. Mostly they do not have the format of a self-contained story. They rather correspond to coincidental encounters, glances of events, having a before and an after, thus sometimes correspond uncannily to reality. Just like the first page of a book, upon entering an exhibition space, a door opens up into a new world that wants to transport our visitors away.
Narratives, a story collection, which gathers works from Austrian artists and artists from the neighbouring countries. It playfully mixes the antipoles of the three classical ages, takes visitors along on journeys of the mind whilst at the same time spinning new and allegedly familiar intertwined narrative strands as threads through the amorphous space.
Narrative forms and structures are another focus of the exhibition. The concept in the composition of work and the narratives and contents, form and structure they share is made visible in the design. The exhibition is subdivided into chapters and confronts two generations, opening up sudden insights and dragging the visitors into spatially differing narrative situations. Blank spaces, in both a spatial and content-related sense function as places for contemplation opening up in the sense of an echo for inner images. Just like turning a page ...
Participating Artists:
Janez Bernik, A'kos Birka's, Nick Botticher, Martin Bricelj, Vesna Bukovez, Lada Cerar, Metka Zupanic, VALIE EXPORT, Hubert Fichte und Leonore Mau, Robert Freund, Franziska Furter, Heinz Gappmayr, Daniel Hafner, Caroline Heider, Luisa Kasalicky, Ju'lius Koller, Zenita Komad, Felicitas Kruse, Denisa Lehocka, Constantin Luser, Julian Mullan, Christian Niccoli, Drago Persic, Tobias Putrih, Miriam Raggam und Barbara Wilding, Andres Ramirez Gaviria, Bjorn Segschneider, Martina Steckholzer, Rudolf Steckholzer, Stefanie Wuschitz.
A comprehensive catalogue with exhibition views and contributions by authors Saša Stanišic, Wieland Schmied and the two curators will accompany the exhibition.
Image: Julian Mullan, Porsche Wien, 2003
Opening: 03.11.2006, 7pm, Foyer
Kunsthaus Graz am Landesmuseum Joanneum
Lendkai, 1 - Graz
Hours: Tue - Sun 10am-6pm, Thu 10am-8pm