Zone Chelsea Center for the Arts
New York
601 West 26th Street 302
212 2552177 FAX 212 2557264
Photosonic + Karmatic
dal 15/12/2006 al 15/12/2006
8 p.m.

Segnalato da

Giulio D'Agostino

calendario eventi  :: 
Inaugurazioni | In corso
Gennaio 2025


Photosonic + Karmatic

Zone Chelsea Center for the Arts, New York

Multimedia artist Julyo has carefully assembled some of New York's most talented downtown artists to produce this audiovisual performance, featuring a musical instrument and software he invented called 'the Photosonic Guitar', originally used in his video, 'Photosonic'.

comunicato stampa


European multimedia artist Julyo has carefully assembled some of New York's most talented downtown artists to produce a unique multimedia performance. This performance will feature a musical instrument and software he invented called 'the Photosonic Guitar', which was originally used in his Award Winning Art Video, 'Photosonic'.

The first part of the performance will be the screening of "Photosonic", followed by the Debut concert of Karmatic. Karmatic is an electronic/ambient AudioVisual duo featuring Julyo and NYC music producer Keith Patchel. They will be joined by drummer/ producer Jamey Staub. Karmatic will perform music from their newalbum 'Airports', distributed by Zebralution, and currently broadcasted by Muzak Inc.

The performance at Chelsea Center for Arts will also include New York VJ Eric Dunlap (from NYC media company Forward Motion Theater), film director Mark Mann and special guest on 'Brain VJ', Masahiro Kahata (inventor of the IBVA, a technology that allows real time brainwave activity to control digital video movies and music).

Julyo's art video 'Photosonic' has been selected at major international film festivals and created worldwide buzz ,from both critics and audiences alike. Already this year, 'Photosonic' has been screened at Louis Vuitton Film Festival, London's Portobello Film Festival, Odense Film Festival, and has won an International Award for Best Score at The New York Independent Film Festival and an Honorable Mention from critics at Berkeley Film Festival.

Sat 16th December - 8.00 pm

Zone Chelsea
601 West 26th Street - New York

dal 20/6/2007 al 10/8/2007

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