A workshop has been organized to draw attention to the notion and aesthetics of the everyday. Keywords: sublime, everyday, signs, reading, social, conceived and lived spaces, diversity and creativity, photography, image. Curator, instructor Alexander Vollebregt; Artist Daniele Pario Perra; Photographer Roberto Dell'Orco.
Delft School for Design
Spacelab: Research laboratory for the contemporary city
sublime, everyday, signs, reading, social, conceived and lived spaces, diversity and creativity, photography, image
In the framework of the Urban Body studio, Spacelab, in conjunction with the Delft School for Design will be hosting a 2 day workshop entitled “Politics Poeisis” on 19-20 February.
The urban and architectural professions are primarily engaged in conceiving standardized urban environments as a result of spatial, programmatic and (infra)structural interventions. At the same time advances in communications technologies have enabled a massive regularization of our public intersubjective worlds. The realization that the urban field is constituted through a multiplicity of singular life-worlds, each with a unique perception and understanding of its own 'constructed' Umwelt is not acknowledged in planning and design praxis.
Globalization has engendered stresses in our contemporary urban frameworks. While cities are encrypted with signs, the social fabric has splintered into a myriad of cultures. Global migrations of races, religions, languages and simply diverse ways-of-being have resulted in urban environments of enormous diversity. The new 'societies', engender new ways of inhabiting urban space. Cities have become the stage for creative reinterpretations of the environment as public space is transformed into spaces for diverse publics.
The Urban Body studio sets out to engage with MSc students and PhD researchers to focus on the conditions and e/affects of creative everyday practices. Difference is acknowledged as creatively underpinning socio-cultural value, and diversity is expressed in the everyday urban. The reappropriation of planned spaces through the enactment of everyday lives transforms prescribed spaces into surfaces of placeness.
A workshop has been organized to draw attention to the notion and aesthetics of the everyday. The focus is to investigate the conditions which promote a creative everyday practice. Participants will take part in a series of experimental engagements to test out and capture through the lens of a camera potentials for generating a creative responsiveness towards the urban scene. The initiative starts with the idea that an attunement to the way everyday practices are effectuated by the myriad of urban inhabitants may strengthen designers and planners abilities to further facilitate inter-human relations by making appropriate environments for diverse human agents in their everyday life-worlds.
Curator, instructor Alexander Vollebregt (http://www.spacelab.tudelft.nl)
Artist Daniele Pario Perra (http://www.contraconcept.org)
Photographer Roberto Dell’Orco (http://www.stalkerlab.it)
MONDAY (19-02-07)
Lecture: Framing the Image
Lecture: Politics Poeisis
Setting the stage
TUESDAY (20-02-07)
Engagement and performance
Capturing sublimity
Image: Daniele Pario Perra - Politics Poeisis workshop
TU delft university
Julianalaan 134
2628 BL Delft The Netherlands