Antagonism proposes an exhaustive historical investigation into the political and activist elements developed by the different art forms from the late 1950s until the present day. A wide range of proposals (photography, architecture, cinema, design, visual arts, etc.) analyses a whole series of issues related to the concept of art as a tool for critical and social comment.
Antagonism proposes an exhaustive historical investigation into the political and activist
elements developed by the different art forms from the late 1950s until the present day.
A wide range of proposals (photography, architecture, cinema, design, visual arts, etc.)
analyses a whole series of issues related to the concept of art as a tool for critical and
social comment.
Opening 26.07.01 20 h.
MACBA, Barcelona Art Report 2001. Experiències.
Horari d’hivern
Del 25 de setembre al 24 de juny
De diluns a divendres d’11 a 19.30 h
Dissabtes de 10 a 20 h
Diumenges i festius de 10 a 15 h
Dimarts no festius tancat
25 de desembre i 1 de gener tancat
Horari d’estiu
Del 25 de juny al 24 de setembre
De diluns a divendres d’11 a 20 h
Dissabtes de 10 a 20 h
Diumenges i festius de 10 a 15 h
Dimarts no festius tancat
Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona
Plaça dels Àngels, 1
08001 Barcelona
Tel 34 93 412 08 10
Fax 34 93 412 46 02
Adreces de contacte