upside down dog
Shorts + RadioDrama from the Plagium series of the italian experimental filmmakers' team.
Cane CapoVolto
A program of experimental films and radiodramas by Cane CapoVolto - one of the most interesting indipendent workteams from the italian scene.
Super-8s and videos
Scraps Brakhage Stolen. 1992, 5'27", col., sound.
Filmclip hardcore-electronics. We imagined that Stan Brakhage stole our film to work on it and sell it back to us.
Stories Of Brats (a Surrealist Film) + Ghost tracks. 1995, 11'20", b/n & col., sound.
This is the result of a dream: vulgarizing Surrealism by practicing it.
Basic Autopsy Procedures/ Run Hubbard Loop (Plagium 4 and 5). 1996, 19', b/n & col., sound.
An experiment in film-essay: a third-dimension sensory experience of Situationist texts and of the Praxis group. The second title is a text
by Ralph Rumney illustrated by a sequence of 11 different angles from the film of Fritz Lang "Spione" in four different variations. Among the
sources: "Casi di neuropatologia" - "Suono, energia, onde" - "Le sang des betes" - "Sexy lingerie".
Evil And Pop Culture (Plagium 10). 1997, 16', col., sound.
A "fundamentalist" documentary. Take That, Abba and Elvis Presley: in three of their videoclips, the sign of the "Scorpio Rising" corrupts what is inside as it leaves the surface
Unclean Pop (on stereo) (Plagium 10b). 1997, 3'30", col., sound.
Super-8 short designed as an apocryphal music videoclip for the song "The Descent of Long Satan and Babylon" by Current 93.
F for Fake: The Black Sun (Plagium 9). 1997, 9', col., sound.
Little yellow spots of retinal degeneration, the deafening 50htz beat and the cult of the god Mytra: a history of the Black Sun murderers beyond mythology and science.
Howling Sinister Fascism (Plagium 12). 1998, 16'40", col., sound.
From an elementary school textbook: 11 poems (completed with random found-introductions) intended to foster reading skills interact with 11 documentary and fiction film sequences.
The Obliterating Word. 1999, 8', col., sound .
With Institute for Animal Obedience*.
A single word can progressively cancel out the construction of human thought. An introduction to the teachings of the Institute for Animal Obedience (I.A.O.).
Dramas for the Radio:
Dawn of the Damned. 1998, 11'20".
Démodé drama in three acts, with three characters. It tells about the metaphysical sinking of the Austrian ship "Stubnitz".
Il Vigilambulo. 1998, 10'10".
Three variations on the text "The Crimes and Arrest of a Mesmerist in Berlin" based on a true story happened in 1923.
*Institut for animal Obedience, was founded in 1954 by science-fiction writer Ron Random. The doctrine of the Institute is not based on revelations but on continuous research and
stimulation of human production and its potential.
Cane CapoVolto (Alessandro Aiello, Enrico Aresu, Alessandro De Filippo) was founded in 1992 in Catania, Sicily, as a kind of philosophical
brotherhood. Originally, their productions were closely linked to Super-8 imagery. Later, C.C. began working on the PLAGIUM-series, a
videoproject based on the non-logical combination of found-informations, images, texts and sounds, sometimes trying to follow the fiction
track of the essay-film or of the fake documentary. This research was then extended to the Radioplays, "acoustic films" evoking images
through sound structures. The interest in the internal mechanism of persuasion moreover led to the multimedia installation "The
Constitutional Criminal", an experiment that investigated in real time the credibility of information, as well as two lecture-researches with
video programs: "Intro" (about hard-core cinema) and "Death comes at 24 frames per second" (about the documentary deviations and the
spectacle). C.C. also published two home-video compilations ("Il futuro è obsoleto" vol.1 & vol.2) . Styling itself a micro-multimedia
industry they browse across film and video screenigs, installations, live happenings, lectures, publications (home-video compliations,
books, CDs, ….), as an annual italian tour with propositions from their catalogue.
"We cannot ignore the repressive function of art in a society which desperately calls for creativity and abstraction to survive. Our work is a
product of this awareness." -- C.C.
This program is curated by Anna Agostino and Sonia Campagnola
Cane CapoVolto
mail to:
For more information please contact Wendy at (212) 505-5181 or via email
32 Second Avenue, New York tel 212 5055110
Friday, January 14 2000 at 7:30 p.m. & Saturday, January 15 2000 at 5:30 p.m.