Animated films, photographs, drawings. The arists questions the representation of the body and its inscription in its environment, paying particular attention to language, the polysemy of words, their poetic power, which can be violent, or the strangeness of some metaphors translated literally into images.
Animated films, photographs, drawings
Blanca Casas Brullet was born in Catalonia in 1973 and has been living in Paris
since 1997. She has presented her work in individual and collective exhibitions, as
well as art fairs and video festivals in several countries of the European Union,
Brazil, South Africa, South Korea and Canada.
Her recent individual exhibitions include: Pantalla CCCB (Centre de Cultura
Contemporània de Barcelona, Barcelona, 2007), Qui Aquí (Ca l'Arenas Centre d'Art,
Mataró, Barcelona, 2007), Deux Temps, trois mouvements! ("Two Beats, Three Moves!",
Le Vivat, Armentières, 2006), Les figurants ("The Extras", as part of the Magenta
Ephémères, a series of installations in urban spaces, Paris, 2006), Blanca Casas +
David Bestué (Sala Montcada, Barcelona, 2006), LOOP Festival and Art Fair (Galeria
Senda, Barcelona, 2005), Mues ("Changes", Galerie Françoise Paviot, Paris, 2001).
She has also taken part in collective exhibitions, among which are: Design ¡Olé!
(Zeroone Design Center, Seoul, 2006), Les Peintres de la Vie Moderne ("The Painters
of Modern Life", Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, 2006 - 2007), Desvelar lo invisible
(Alcalá 31, Madrid, 2005), Attention à la marche (« Watch the Step », La Galerie,
Noisy-le-Sec, 2005), Argument (S.P.I.N. Gallery, Toronto, 2001).
Blanca Casas Brullet questions the representation of the body and its inscription in
its environment, paying particular attention to language, the polysemy of words,
their poetic power, which can be violent, or the strangeness of some metaphors
translated literally into images. In her installations she uses different media such
as photography and video, but also performance, drawing and three-dimensional
objects. These operate through poetic associations and the juxtaposition of pieces,
which, while retaining their own precarious autonomy, steering clear from the
monumental and the massive, are enriched by their reciprocal closeness. The
resulting images are those of a body constituted through stratification, losses or
proximity and contamination with the other.
Croquis ["Sketches"] is a work of animation that functions like a roughbook in which
the artist's annotations, drawings and various ideas come to life in the form of
short sequences or sketches (the English word "sketch" refers to both a type of
drawing and a playlet). Thus, page after page, the artist shows us a handwritten
note become drawing, a video sequence captured in the making or a moving sketch, all
transformed by the black line on the white background of the page.
Opening : Saturday, September 29
Galerie Françoise Paviot
57 rue Sainte Anne - Paris
Open Thursday to Saturday, 2:30pm - 7pm, and by appointment
Free admission