New York
44 West 28th Street
646 642.8291
Holly Faurot & Sarah H. Paulson
dal 14/11/2007 al 14/11/2007
7-10 pm
212 2138052
Segnalato da

Faurot + Paulson

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Holly Faurot & Sarah H. Paulson

Nycams, New York

Are you going to sweat on my face, again? Performance

sintesi del comunicato stampa

Are you going to sweat on my face, again? A performance marks the institution of the Sequence System, an automatic cycling of multiple video components used to choreograph the breakdown of time and movement within a non-linear performance installation. This system is a development of the Surveillance System, a physical network of bodies controlling one another through movement, video, improvisation, and sound. Music by Joel Mellin.

Holly Faurot & Sarah H. Paulson
dal 14/11/2007 al 14/11/2007

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