Primo Marella Gallery
viale Stelvio, 66
02 87384885 FAX 02 87384892
Shi Jinsong
dal 4/3/2008 al 4/4/2008
Mar-Sab 11-18

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Primo Marella Gallery


Shi Jinsong

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Shi Jinsong

Primo Marella Gallery, Milano

In mostra le ultime installazioni della serie Baby Boutique, ispirata alla divinita' cinese della guerra Na Zha, assieme ad installazioni rappresentative della piu' recente sperimentazione scultorea dell'artista. La poetica di Jinsong si nutre di influenze legate alla mitologia cinese, al Taoismo e al Buddhismo Zen.

comunicato stampa

............................english below

Primo Marella Gallery è lieta di annunciare la mostra personale dell’artista cinese Shi Jinsong. La poetica dell’artista si nutre di influenze legate alla mitologia cinese, al Taoismo e al Buddhismo Zen. Padroneggiando differenti tecniche scultoree, l’artista è un grande cultore della forma che poi riproduce abilmente utilizzando materiali diversi, trascendendone lo scopo originario. In questa mostra tra le altre installazioni sono presentati nuovi lavori della serie Baby Boutiques.

In questa serie l’artista presenta alcuni oggetti destinati agli infanti, quail culle, passeggini e giocattoli, ricreati in acciaio inossidabile sfruttando un linguaggio formale di rara pregnanza semantica. La serie è ispirata a Na Zha, una divinità del folklore cinese, un bambino guerriero celebrato per I suoi poteri soprannaturali, il suo coraggio e la caparbietà. Questi lavori, assieme alle nuove installazioni che sospendono i confini fra l’organico e l’inorganico, sono concepiti per generare sensazioni contraddittorie nll’osservatore, attratto idalla bellezza di forme così pericolose ed evocative.

Shi Jinsong è nato nel 1969 a Danyang, provincia di Hubei, Cina. Tra le sue più recenti esposizioni: 2008 Re-Imagining Asia, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlino 2007 0PEN 10: International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, Lido, Venezia, Italia; BLUE PRINT: Long Wei International Elite School, Spring Picnic, Marella Gallery Beijing, Beijing, Cina; TOP10 China Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition: The Contemporary Road of Media and Tradition, Asia Art Center, Beijing, Cina; 2006 Halong Kellong, Platform China, Beijing; Na Zha-Baby Boutique, Chambers Fine Art , New York, US; The 6th Shanghai Biennial, Shanghai, Cina 2005 Second Chengdu Biennale, Chengdu, Cina; Shanghai Cool: Creative Reproduction, Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai, Cina; Sleight of Mind, TS1 Art Center, Beijing, Cina; Mahjong, unstmuseum Bern, Bern, Switzerland; Young Chinese Contemporary Art, Hangar-7, Salzburg, Austria 2003 Alors, La Chine?, Center Pompidou, Parigi, Francia.


Primo Marella Gallery is pleased to present Shi Jinsong solo exhibition. Shi Jinsong’s poetics shows influences from Zen Buddhism, Taoism and Chinese Mithology. Mastering different sculptural techniques, he plays with various materials. He is a great observer of forms and a skillfull craftsman when it comes to reproducing them. This exhibition will present brand new “objects” belonging to his celebrated Baby Boutique series as well as other installations.

In this well known series Artist presents consumer products for babies – a life size stroller, baby carriage and other toy-like objects assembled made of stainless steel adopting an aggressive language characterized by points and bladelike sharp curves. This series has been inspired by Na Zha, a deity of Chinese folklore, a child warrior celebrated for his super natural powers, bravery, and strategy on the battlefield. Those works, as well as others organic-inorganic based installations as well, generate contradictory feelings in the viewer who is preservely attracted by the beauty of such dangerous and evocative shapes.

Shi Jinsong was born in 1969 in Danyang, Hubei Province, China. Amongst his latest Exhibitions: 2008 Re-Imagining Asia, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin 2007 0PEN 10: International Exhibition of Sculptures and Installations, Lido, Venice, Italy; BLUE PRINT: Long Wei International Elite School, Spring Picnic, Marella Gallery Beijing, Beijing, China; TOP10 China Contemporary Sculpture Exhibition: The Contemporary Road of Media and Tradition, Asia Art Center, Beijing, China; 2006 Halong Kellong, Platform China, Beijing; Na Zha- Baby Boutique, Chambers Fine Art , New York, US; The 6th Shanghai Biennial, Shanghai, China 2005 Second Chengdu Biennale, Chengdu, China; Shanghai Cool: Creative Reproduction, Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art, Shanghai, China; Sleight of Mind, TS1 Art Center, Beijing, China; Mahjong, Kunstmuseum Bern, Bern, Switzerland; Young Chinese Contemporary Art, Hangar-7, Salzburg, Austria 2003 Alors, La Chine?, Center Pompidou, Paris, France SHI JINSONG

Inaugurazione 5 marzo alle 18.30

Primo Marella Gallery
Via Valtellina ang. Viale Stelvio - Milano
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