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Inaugurazioni | In corso
Febbraio 2025


Sammlung / Collection

Migros Museum, Zurich

This exhibition has been organised to mark the 30th anniversary of the Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund's collecting activities. A large number of old and new works is being displayed, encompassing all the various collection periods - from Minimalism and Conceptual Art in the 1960s and 1970s to contemporary works setting socio-political, performative, glamorous or surreal strategies off against each another. Curated by Heike Munder and Markus Schinwald.

comunicato stampa

curated by Heike Munder and Markus Schinwald

This exhibition has been organised to mark the 30th anniversary of the Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund’s collecting activities, and has involved a three-year overhaul of the entire collection. A large number of old and new works from the collection is being displayed, encompassing all the various collection periods – from Minimalism and Conceptual Art in the 1960s and 1970s to contemporary works setting socio-political, performative, glamorous or surreal strategies off against each another. The integration of the collection, which looks at contemporary art production directed at a broad-minded public and provides continual exposure to new and different thematic points of view, into a lively environment, is the central concern of the exhibition. With this purpose in mind, exhibition architecture by Markus Schinwald is being used, which gives the observer the opportunity to have a “new view” of the works.

A comprehensive collection catalogue with text contributions by Lionel Bovier, Dan Fox, Gisèle Girgis & Hedy Graber, Raphael Gygax, Tom Holert, Heike Munder, Bettina Steinbrügge, Philip Ursprung, Astrid Wege, Judith Welter, Jan Verwoert, Tirdad Zolghadr has been published by JRP|Ringier. This itemises the core inventory of the collection for the first time.

Artists shown in the exhibition:
Carl Andre – Art & Language – Atelier van Lieshout – John Baldessari – Lothar Baumgarten – Alighiero Boetti – Christine Borland – Olaf Breuning – Christoph Büchel – Heidi Bucher – Stefan Burger – Tom Burr – Jean-Marc Bustamante – Maurizio Cattelan – Marc Camille Chaimowicz – Spartacus Chetwynd – Marlene Dumas – Elmgreen & Dragset – Berta Fischer – Urs Fischer – Sylvie Fleury – Gabríela Fridriksdóttir – Douglas Gordon – San Keller – Sol LeWitt – Christian Marclay – Olivier Mosset – Juan Muñoz – Bruce Nauman – Olaf Nicolai – Cady Noland – Henrik Olesen – Giulio Paolini – David Renggli – Ugo Rondinone – Ed Ruscha – Robert Ryman –Jean-Frédéric Schnyder – Paul Thek – Rirkrit Tiravanija – Niele Toroni – Piotr Uklanski – Banks Violette – Philip Wiegard –Stephen Willats – Christopher Wool

Image: Piotr Uklanski Ohne Titel (Tiger, Bursting) 1998

Guided tours
Sunday, 1st & 15th & 29th June, 13th July, 3rd & 17th August at 3 pm, as well as Thursday, 19th June & 14th August at 6.30 pm. FAMILY GUIDED TOUR: Sunday, 22nd June at 1.30 pm.

Press Conference: Friday, 30th May, 2008, 11.30 am
Opening: Saturday, 31st May 2008, 6 pm
Art Basel Reception: Sunday, 1st June, 5 pm

migros museum für gegenwartskunst
Limmatstrasse 270 - 8005 Zürich
Opening hours: Tues / Wed / Fri Midday–6 pm, Thurs Midday–8 pm, Sat / Sun 11 am–5 pm.
Between 5 pm and 8 pm each Thursday museum entrance is free.

Resistance Performed
dal 19/11/2015 al 6/2/2016

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Vent'anni di UnDo.Net, un'opera d'arte ideata da artisti che hanno coinvolto centinaia di altri autori e operatori nella costruzione di un ecosistema, di un dispositivo che ha influito a più livelli sul fare arte.
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