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Different Venues, Tallinn

Festival of visual sound

sintesi del comunicato stampa

Il Festival of visual sound giunge alla sua sesta edizione, e presenta opere di: Matti Adoma, Ilja Alpatov, Ismail Bahir, Clement Bardet, Pilar Bauman, Magaly Bertholin, Gabrielle Boulanger, Antonia Carrara, Julien Chevy, Sophie Combes, Anthony Coursier, Marie B. Cros, Baptiste Croze, Alexandra David, John Deneuve, Hugo Exbrayat, Pierric Favret, Florence Girardeau, Pierre Lesclauze, Olja Levistova, Raphael Lorand, Anne Lauroz, Cloe Mazlo, Jaagup Metsalu, Cedric Micchi, Piibe Piirma, Marilyn Piirsalu, Piret Rani, Elisabeth Salmin, Roman Scrittori, Miro Soares, Mare Tralla, Sophie Usunier et Anu Vahtraja Puhas.

dal 7/9/2008 al 13/9/2008

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