Handel House Museum
25 Brook Street W1K 4HB
The Violin Story
dal 15/2/2002 al 21/2/2002
020 7495 1685
Segnalato da

Leo Crane

calendario eventi  :: 


The Violin Story

Handel House Museum, London

Meet Jo Parker and her five violins from baroque to electric Saturday 16 Feb 10.30. And others news...

comunicato stampa

Meet Jo Parker and her five violins from baroque to electric
Saturday 16 Feb 10.30
Handel House Museum, 25 Brook St, W1

Breeches and Bows!
Come and make your own eighteenth-century costume with designers Andrea Carr and Kate Whitehead
Wednesday 20 February 10.30 - 12.30
Regent Hall, 7a Princess St

Let's Compose!
Make music with composer David Benke and singer Hannah Finch
Thursday 21 February 10.00 - 4.00
Handel House Museum, 25 Brook St, W1

Ring 020 7495 1685 to book your free places

Handel House Museum
25 Brook Street, London W1
020 7495 1685

The Purest Benevolence
dal 5/3/2003 al 27/7/2003

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