'Small Worlds' is the title of my show. My work may be small, but I believe art does not necessarily have to be a particular size to convey a message My 'studio' consists of a 20x47 table and a plastic four-drawer file cabinet on wheels. Proof that art can be created anywhere. I prefer using folk art images. They have an endearing simplicity to which I am drawn. Linda Muller
Solo Show
"Small Worlds" is the title of my show. My
work may be small, but I believe art does
not necessarily have to be a particular size
to convey a message My "studio" consists
of a 20" x 47" table and a plastic
four-drawer file cabinet on wheels. Proof
that art can be created anywhere. I prefer
using folk art images. They have an
endearing simplicity to which I am drawn. i
collect photographs of these playful and
colorful pieces from various sources:
including books, magazines, and postcards.
These images find their way into my work.
My collages have a life of their own. I have
tried starting my work with a sketch or a
fixed idea, but once I begin painting, adding
and subtracting images, the piece itself
dictates what the end result will be. I was
born in Chicago, Illinois. My family move to
San Diego in 1968. I attended Mesa
Community College and graduated from
San Diego State University. I have
exhibited work in the "Small Images Show"
at Gallery 21, as well as the Next Door
Gallery. I have been a member of the San
Diego Art Institute since 1985. My work is
in private collections throughout San Diego.
My show runs from February 21 to March
24, 2002.
Hours: Tues-Sat 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sun 12 noon to 4 p.m.
Reception 6 - 9 pm March 1, 2002
The San Diego Art Institute
1439 El Prado, San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 236-0011