Heike Bollig
Jurgen Drescher
Lisa Erb
Yehuda Freeman
Yvonne Hoffmann
Sands Murray-Wassink
Berthold Reiss
Florian Winter
Anna Witt
A designated space of dialogue, allows meaning to be experienced in a new way and enables active intervention; it seduces experiment and focuses on interaction between society and the individual, between subjects and objects, between exhibit and exhibition. On show: Heike Bollig, Jurgen Drescher, Lisa Erb, Yehuda Freeman, Yvonne Hoffmann, Sands Murray-Wassink...
Curated by Laboratorium Lisa Erb
Artists: Heike Bollig (Berlin, DE), Jürgen Drescher (Berlin, DE), Lisa Erb (Munich, DE), Yehuda Freeman (New York, USA), Yvonne Hoffmann (Munich, DE), Sands Murray-Wassink (Amsterdam, NL), Berthold Reiß (Munich, DE), Florian Winter (Munich, DE), Anna Witt (Vienna, AT)
FAILURe, a designated space of dialogue, allows meaning to be experienced in a new way and enables active intervention; it seduces experiment and focuses on interaction between society and the individual, between subjects and objects, between exhibit and exhibition.
FAILURe is not bound to any context, it can occur on every level and meta level: in the dialogue space, FAILURe is not represented merely as a product, or as an (art) object in a room, but as a property. It only becomes visible as the result of the possibility of an outsideness within a complex system.
FAILURe as an item, as an exhibit, is therefore more than just a depiction (portrait, name, position, fixation); it is an internal system application between the levels and meta levels of each system. An error is a deviation from an optimal or normal condition or process in a functionally determined system.
Further information under http://lisaerb.com/index.php?id=75#c24
Kunsthalle Exnergasse
Wahringer Strasse 59, Wien