Craig Wood incorporates a bemusing array of imagery that feeds off his personal life and experiences in and around his home in Carmarthenshire. From soap to soup and pot plant to pram, domesticassociations are prominent in his ongoing investigations into wider issues...
Shelf Life
Craig Wood incorporates a bemusing array of imagery that feeds off his personal life and experiences in
and around his home in Carmarthenshire.
From soap to soup and pot plant to pram, domestic
associations are prominent in his ongoing investigations into wider issues such as relationships,
mortality, science, consumerism and life in general. Subtle humour is evident in works that include
exquisite miniature paintings on feathers, 'Welsh Heritage' wallpaper and a pram for six children.
Mae llawer o'r amrywiaeth ddifyr o ddelweddau a geir yng ngwaith Craig Wood yn bwydo oddi ar ei
fywyd a'i brofiadau personol yn ac o gwmpas ei gartref yn Sir Gaerfyrddin. O sebon i gawl a phlanhigyn
pot i bram, mae cysylltidau domestig yn amlwg yn ymchwil barhaol yr artist i faterion ehangach fel
perthnasau, meidroldeb, gwyddoniaeth, prynwriaeth a bywyd yn gyffredinol.
Mae hiwmor gynnil yn
amlwg mewn gweithiau sy'n amrywio o baentiadau miniatur ardderchog ar blu i Bapur wal 'Treftadaeth
Gymreig' i bram ar gyfer chwech o blant.
Craig Wood was born in mid-Lothian in 1960, trained at Dyfed College of Art and then Goldsmiths,
London. He now lives in Llanmiloe, Carmarthenshire. Wood has exhibited widely in the UK and
internationally, and has had solo exhibitions in DAAD Gallery, Berlin, Kunsthalle Nürnberg, Nürnberg,
and Chisenhale Gallery, London.
'Shelf Life' is accompanied by a 48-page full-colour publication with an essay by Jonathan Watkins of
Ikon Gallery, Birmingham. The publication is available from The Shop
An Oriel Mostyn Gallery Touring Exhibition.
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