Blut, Schwarz & Tranen
"I have often transported my inner self to that state of impossible/ dreadful absurdities, in order to try to let my thoughts arise from there. "
(Free translation: les Pèse-nerfs by Antonin Artaud, ex: Pour Vos Beaux Yeux, Librairie Gallimard, Paris 1925)
About seeing, an emanation: through the act of seeing, the subject of our interest is captured, captivated and steered; closely linked to the epistemological demonstration by Democritus about the outflow of the reflection through reification. Indeed, many times you have to close your eyes to truly see. The gallery Jette Rudolph is pleased to announce the upcoming solo-show entitled BLUT, SCHWARZ & TRÄNEN* of Georg Baselitz´ master student Lea Asja Pagenkemper (born 1976, lives & works in Berlin).
The double meaning of Lea´s new small and large-sized images is veiled in her suggestive, symbolic-metaphysical approach, thus a kind of mysterious ambiguity is given to her paintings. These images do not come up with vanities, rather the inward search for a word, a moment. They grow gently layer by layer, but nevertheless spreading out like a jet-black curtain to take shape. However, the non-transparent surface, the protective veil is divided and hurt by scraped-out pigments and scratched forms, an insight into the soul or self. Canvas sadist! Drops- a drizzling more concentrated in a graphic sea like a seemingly regular texture are disappearing in a loose mesh. The fabric of colours is shimmering like sequins on a dress in a vague silver-gold glance of lights.
In her new works none of the graffiti-textured walls with their phrases of sexual and social provocation -so distinctive of her works between 2004 and 2008- are to be found. Her canvases become multidimensional and tangible in one´s mind: the eye starts to give shape, the mind continues, and despite of the renouncement of words and quotes Lea´s images are closely related to writings and poetry. There is a light unpredictability in them:" ... like the smoke from a cigarette, floating, disappearing, they look for a place between heaven and earth, hanging on to life´s words, to get lost in that moment, (...), the present of the volatile and beautiful. (...)" (Gregor Jansen about Lea Asja Pagenkemper´s paintings; ZKM/ Museum für Neue Kunst, Karlsruhe)
By drawing on poetry as a source of expression, silently escaping from words, Pagenkemper´s images question softly, but in a revolt for the basic idea, sense and truth of painting. Her approach is like a craving, gnawing mysteriously on the surface of the images, revealing enigmatic forms: the golden drop, the turquoise heap, an angel "l´ange Lautréamont", a fabled figure with a cloak of stars. Her poetry makes these soft grey blue shadows visible. In fact you can hear her paintings: Villon´s, Lautréamont´s, Baudelaire´s, Artaud´s silent screams into the void, the human void, an echo from the abyss of their stories. "You will never see me, from where I see you" (Jacques Lacan) The word that creates the image is not sufficient on its own. The image creates words, which themselves fail to fully describe the picture.
"Everything is painted away, (...) the fuss and the explanations, all the little unnecessary, needless things are left aside, (...) no created illusions, just the reality of the invisible. Balance for nerves." (L. A. P.)
opening sept 4th, 2009
Galerie Jette Rudolph
Zimmerstrasse 90-91 - Berlin
Tues- Sat 11.30 am- 6 pm
Free admission