The Grossi Maglioni Magic Duo
Julia Klaring
dal 9/2/2010 al 9/2/2010
ore 21
Segnalato da

Vera Maglioni

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Gennaio 2025


Julia Klaring

The Grossi Maglioni Magic Duo, Milano

I-Copy 2: Emma. Primo appuntamento con 'Performance season'. La video performance dell'artista sara' trasmessa on line sul sito del collettivo artistico The Grossi Maglioni Magic Duo, che inaugura il primo festival dedicato alla performance, interamente concepito e ideato per la piattaforma web.

comunicato stampa

The grossi maglioni magic duo in collaboration with vision forum and KSM Linköpings Universitet - Sweden presents performance season/ performance-art didactic festival live performance on the web - archive production - interviews and debates special web edition 09/10

I-Copy 2: Emma
Performance by Julia Klaring
Category: Reenactement Performance

The video performance series I-copy consists of copying texts by interlining them with a handwritten version of the page’s content - directly inside the respective magazine or book the act is recorded on video; another trace of the performance is left inside the book itself in I-copy #2 - kläring reproduces random excerpts of speeches by emma goldman by using the method of interlining existing texts by a handwritten copy.

These documents from an earlier live event are examined extensively and in very detail failure and fatigue appear in the copy - handwriting gets unreadable; the act of repetition contains inherent potential for change.

This work is part of a deep research on performance’s relation to image - language and objects more information - interviews and links on:

Julia Kläring lives and works in vienna.
performance artist – curator – cartoonnist - videographer.
2007 diploma in visual arts at academy of fne arts vienna (aut) - 2007/8 participant of the international curatorial program école du magasin (grenoble, fr); participated recently in the third she devil screening at studio miscetti (rome - it) and national museum of contemporary art bucharest (ro) - performed at salon fauxpas brutal at brut vienna (aut) - and made videos fort he theatreplay victoryahh! at kosmostheater (vienna, aut)

Wed Febryary 10th - 2010 9.00 PM (GMT + 1)

Francesco Ventrella
dal 29/4/2010 al 29/4/2010

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