Electrical Tape Drawings. Chillemi's work transforms the space with direct-on-the-wall drawings of his signature robots, skulls, penguins and pirates. His electrical tape drawings are an extension of the line work in his paintings and drawings. Using the electrical tape, he is able to take his line and use is directly on the art surface to create an almost 'live' drawing. Curated by "Mouse"/D.Balingit and Chloe Derderian
Brought to you by s.u.n.Arts curated by "Mouse"/D.Balingit and Chloe Derderian
We would like to invite you to an opening for Chris Chillemi’s "Electrical Tape Drawings". Chillemi’s work transforms the space with
direct-on-the-wall drawings of his signature robots, skulls, penguins and pirates. His electrical tape drawings are an extension of the line
work in his paintings and drawings. Using the electrical tape, he is able to take his line and use is directly on the art surface to create an
almost "live" drawing.
We are s.u.n.Arts
Along with the invitation to the show, we would like to introduce ourselves. We are s.u.n.Arts. An organization dedicated to the
development of emerging artists and exposing urban subculture art movements to the general public. We currently showcase our artists in
festivals, popular venues and lounges. This enables the emerging artists to reach a wider spectrum of admirers and integrates art, music,
and culture.
s.u.n.Arts long-term goal is to obtain a permanent gallery/workshop for artists and provide resources with a space(s) to exhibit. Projects
otherwise unaffordable by individual artists are accomplished by collaborative efforts and pooling resources. By executing coordinated
efforts, s.u.n.Arts is able to assist emerging artists and provide the public with an exciting interactive showcase of consistent new art
Currently, there are affiliated artists located in the Metro-New York area, Ohio, Philadelphia, San Francisco, Japan, Montreal and England
The artists affiliated with the organization also participate in many other well-respected events such as the The New York International
Independent Film & Video Festival, 3rd Biannual Ides of March at ABC No - Rio and Photo ’02 at Mastel + Mastel Gallery.
This summer we will be hosting a fundraiser for s.u.n.Arts featuring art, music and theater. We will keep you posted on the progress of
this event and hope you are able to add your support.
132 Greenpoint Avenue (btw Manhattan Ave + Franklin Ave) Brooklyn, NY
Directions: L to Lorimer, G (towards Queens) to Greenpoint Ave 1/2 block west (towards river) on Greenpoint Ave