Berlinische Galerie
Alte Jakobstrasse 124-128
+49 03078902600 FAX +49 03078902700
Marianne Breslauer / Karl Arnold / Ursula Sax
dal 9/6/2010 al 5/9/2010
Wednesday to Monday 10 am to 6 pm closed on Tuesday

Segnalato da

Ulrike Andres

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Febbraio 2025


Marianne Breslauer / Karl Arnold / Ursula Sax

Berlinische Galerie, Berlin

Breslauer's photographs reveal how naturally she had absorbed the visual idiom of 'Neues Sehen' and the aesthetics of modern art since Impressionism. The show is the first comprehensive retrospective and displays 130 photographs. The Berlinische Galerie's graphic art collection includes a large number of drawings from the estate of Karl Arnold, including many Berlin images from the 1920s. They form the heart of the exhibition, with around 130 drawings from the artist. The Ursula Sax's display offers insights into an impressively versatile works, ranging from stone and wooden sculpture, via works in metal and clay, to clothing and masks used for performance art.

comunicato stampa

Marianne Breslauer. Moments Unnoticed
Photographs 1927-1936

Confident, independence-loving women are a major theme for Marianne Breslauer. She herself matched this image of the “New Woman” in the 1920s, a type associated with the bob haircut and the demonstrative gestures of a younger generation aspiring to emancipation. These women were inquisitive, urbane, unencumbered by material worries, and they took advantage of the freedoms society offered between the two world wars as it leapt towards modernisation.

As an occupation, photography fitted neatly into this new age. It held out the promises of artistic expression, professional recognition and even financial independence. And so in 1927 Marianne Breslauer decided to learn the craft of photography at the Lette-Verein in Berlin. Her creativity and talent soon emerged, and she was only eighteen when she produced an image of Paul Citroen which still ranks among the outstanding examples of portrait photography in the style known as “Neues Sehen”.
As soon as she completed her training, she travelled to Paris, the “destination of her dreams”. Here, in the most exciting cultural metropolis of the times, she was captivated by the beauty of the city and the colourful effervescence of its streets. Very quickly she discovered that the enervating immediacy of this life resonated more closely with her own temperament than studio photography. Like other great photographers of her day, she discerned poetry in those unassuming and unheeded moments that draw closer to the essence of life than do those spectacular events so dear to photojournalism. She sought her pictures, then, in parks and along the Seine, observing tramps and street performers. Without attempting any social critique, these images capture the day-to-day existence of ordinary people. On her return to Berlin, she was able to sell some of these shots to magazines.

Marianne Breslauer left behind her a small but significant oeuvre. Her photographs reveal how naturally she had absorbed the visual idiom of “Neues Sehen” and the aesthetics of modern art since Impressionism. This is a new way of seeing, reflecting a new take on the world and at the same time a shift in perception itself.

The exhibition of some 130 photographs at the BERLINISCHE GALERIE has been taken over from the Swiss Foundation of Photography. It is the first comprehensive retrospective, with many previously unknown originals and also fresh prints of original negatives from the photographer’s personal estate.

The BERLIN’S MUSEUM OF MODERN ART, PHOTOGRAPHY AND ARCHITECTURE has combined this monographic display of the work of Marianne Breslauer with a second section drawn from our own collection. This shows about 60 works by ten female colleagues, among them Yva, Steffi Brandl, Lotte Jacobi and Marta Astfalck-Vietz. Alongside these women, some famous and others familiar only to experts, we are better placed to understand the particular quality of Marianne Breslauer’s photography, but also parallels in the work of these other artists that are rooted in their time. In addition, this provides another opportunity to illustrate the significant role these women played in the photography of the modern age.

At this point, however, Marianne Breslauer was still a long way from earning a living from her photography. She considered taking up reportage, joining the newspaper publisher Ullstein to learn the techniques, but she concluded that daily news meant too little to her and that she did not possess the unscrupulousness touch so vital to that line of business.
In the years that followed she undertook lengthy journeys to Italy, Palestine and Spain. There is a magnificent eloquence in the way she portrays the silent uneventfulness to life on the streets and squares. Taken as a whole, these travel photographs do not simply recreate an atmosphere of exotic places, but convey something of that otherness of foreign cultures and lifestyles.
She repeatedly returned to Berlin and Paris, where she took photographs of artists and well-known figures in the art world.
In 1936, Marianne Breslauer was forced to emigrate from Germany. First to Amsterdam, and later to Switzerland. She had photographed the world she loved; under these new circumstances she took no pleasure in it. Besides, the conditions of her own life had changed, bringing exile, family and children. In her second career, she proved as passionate about the art trade and she had been about photography.

Exhibition of the Swiss Foundation of Photography, Winterthur in cooperation with the Berlinische Galerie, Berlin's Museum of Modern Art, Photography and Architecture

Under the patronage of the Swiss embassy Berlin


Karl Arnold
"Hoppla, we’re alive!"

During the years of the Weimar Republic, the Munich newspaper cartoonist Karl Arnold (1883-1953) regularly stayed in the German capital in order, as he wrote, “to capture the bizarreness of this crazy city.” He supplied Simplicissimus and the Münchner Illustrierte Presse with cartoon reportages caricaturing cultural and contemporary life throughout Berlin. With his assured drawing skills and the cool gaze of a detached observer, Arnold portrayed his characters and scenes from Berlin life for a wide audience.
The Berlinische Galerie’s graphic art collection includes a large number of drawings from the
estate of Karl Arnold, including many Berlin images from the 1920s. They form the heart of the
exhibition, with around 130 drawings from the artist.


Ursula Sax

Ursula Sax (*1935 in Backnang/ Baden-Württemberg) studied from 1950 to 1960 at the Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste in Stuttgart and at the Hochschule für Bildende Künste in Berlin, where she joined Hans Uhlmann’s master class. In the decades that followed she accompanied her own artistic work with teaching sculpture at the colleges of fine arts in Berlin, Braunschweig and, until the year 2000, Dresden.

She has been awarded numerous well-known prizes, and in Berlin many of her works can be seen in public spaces, the most prominent of them surely the 50-metre spiral steel sculpture Looping at the trade fair grounds, which she made in 1992.

These close biographical links with the city no doubt encouraged the artist to donate a substantial body of work to the Berlinische Galerie which has greatly enriched its collection. The selection on display offers insights into an impressively versatile œuvre, ranging from stone and wooden sculpture, via works in metal and clay, to clothing and masks used for performance art.

Image: Marianne Breslauer, Djemila, Jerusalem 1931, © Marianne Breslauer / Fotostiftung Schweiz, Winterthur

Marketing and Communication
Ulrike Andres
Head of Marketing and Communication
Fon. +49(0)30 - 78902 829
Fax.+49(0)30 - 78902 19

Press conference: Thursday, 10. June, 11 a.m.
Opening: Thursday, 10. Juni, 7 p.m.

Berlinische Galerie
Landesmuseum für Moderne
Kunst, Fotografie und Architektur, Alte Jakobstraße 124 - 128 - Berlin
Wednesday to Monday 10 am to 6 pm, closed on Tuesday
Day ticket 6 Euro
Reduced 3 Euro
(Subject to change)
Every 1st Monday of the month: 2 Euro
Admission free for visitors under 18

Art in Berlin 1945 until now
dal 12/9/2013 al 22/6/2014

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Vent'anni di UnDo.Net, un'opera d'arte ideata da artisti che hanno coinvolto centinaia di altri autori e operatori nella costruzione di un ecosistema, di un dispositivo che ha influito a più livelli sul fare arte.
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