Vincenzo Baldini
Massimo D'Amico
Francesco Mestria
Max Mondini
Agatino Raciti
Rosario Salerno
Morgan Soli
Willi Bambach
Ivor Sias
Dominik Stahlberg
The exhibition is a follow-up of the previous exhibition 'Girls, Girls, Girls' both having as a combined and shared theme, the sexes. The show does not envisage to show the historical development of men, but rather explore the question of what men expect of themselves and what they aspire to. It presents a selection of artists who through their artistic output attract attention to their views and opinions and life-style.
---------------english below
Dal 18 Giugno 2010 al 15 Luglio 2010 , Infantellina Contemporary, la prima e unica galleria berlinese a presentare 100% arte italiana contemporanea, inaugura l'esposizione collettiva “Boys, Boys, Boys”
“Boys, Boys, Boys” completa la serie di eventi dedicati alle donne ed agli uomini partito con l´evento “Girls,Girls,Girls”. La linea scelta per questo evento non si concentra su un escursus storico della figura maschile bensí pone la domanda e fornisce risposte su cosa ci si aspetta oggi dagli uomini e su cosa oggi gli uomini pretendano da se` stessi.
Da sempre le societá confezionano clichee. Oggi piú che mai i media si concentrano sull´esaltazione di una visione ed applicazione egocentrica dell´ego soggettivo che ha risvolti palpabili e sostanziali nelle vite dei singoli.
In quest´occasione non parliamo di uomini ed artisti come Caravaggio, Thomas Mann, Wilhelm von Gloeden o altre personalitá del passato bensí di uomini di oggi in carne ed ossa: uomini che non sono costretti a celarsi dietro facciate di convenienza , uomini che ,al contrario, si presentano e propongono a cuore aperto con orgoglio.
Orgogliosi di essere che siano etero,gay o bisex. Parliamo di uomini artisti che attraverso le proprie opere comunicano il proprio essere al mondo.
Vincenzo Baldini
Massimo D'Amico
Francesco Mestria
Max Mondini
Agatino Raciti
Rosario Salerno
Morgan Soli
and special-guests:
Willi Bambach
Ivor Sias
Dominik Stahlberg
Le pallide drag-queens di Vincenzo Baldini che nelle ombre decadenti della notte irradiano la propria luminosa aura. I mondi apparentemente caotici di Massimo D´Amico, in cui i soggetti appaiono come sospesi senza freno in scenari surreali. Le gabbie di Francesco mestria che mettono a nudo le perverse intimitá di uomini e donne. I giganti di Max Mondini (performance) fatti di schiuma, enormi simulacri che evidenziano la fragilitá umana a dispetto dell´apparenza.
I colori pompeiani di Agatino Raciti che rende palpabili la forza e l´energia attraverso l´esasperazione dei muscoli delle sue figure. Le sculture di Rosario Salerno in cui corpi di uomini offrono visione dei propri attributi senza alcun pudore. I boxer malinconici di Morgan Soli, combattenti soli e solitari nei cui sguardi riconosciamo la forza e nel contempo lo smarrimento.
I troni di Willi Bambach da cui emergono prorompenti peni e vagine, simboli della compensazione fra la fugacitá e l´esaltazione della vita e del piacere. Le opere calde ed accoglienti del cosmopolita Ivor Sias sudafricano di origini indiane ,italiano e berlinese di adozione, scenografie che risucchiano lo spettatore in una realtá palpabile ed immediata.
Le sculture provocanti di Dominik Stahlberg, tedesco trapiantato in Toscana che da anni unisce trasgressiva ricerca nord-europea a squisito senso estetico italiano.
Beginning on 18th June 2010 to 15th July 2010, Infantellina Contemporary, the first and only Berlin gallery featuring 100% Italian art, will present the exhibition „BOYS, BOYS, BOYS“
The exhibition “Boys, Boys, Boys” is a follow-up of the previous exhibition “Girls, Girls, Girls” both having as a combined and shared theme, the sexes. “Boys, Boys, Boys” does not envisage to show the historical development of men, but rather explore the question of what men expect of themselves and what they aspire to.
Throughout time immemorial humanity has created cliches. In the media the image of the EGO and of the SELF is preached which reflects and determines the individual behaviour of its recipients.
We do not in this instance refer to men like Caravaggio, Thomas Mann, Wilhelm von Gloeden or other well-known and famous men from the past, but men of NOW, in present-day society: men who do not have to conceal themselves in the closet, we’re speaking of men who show and reveal their feelings with pride in public. Proud to be heterosexual, proud to be homosexual and proud to be bisexual. In this exhibition we present a selection of artists who through their artistic output attract attention to their views and opinions and life-style.
Vincenzo Baldini
Massimo D'Amico
Francesco Mestria
Max Mondini
Agatino Raciti
Rosario Salerno
Morgan Soli
and special-guests:
Willi Bambach
Ivor Sias
Dominik Stahlberg
There are for instance the pale and wan drag-queens of Vicenzo Baldini, who illuminate the shadows of the night. The chaotic world of Massimo D’Amico, where the characters are shown in a no-holds-barred environment. The cages of Francesco Mestria, who shed light into the intimate perversions of ordinary men and women. The giants of Max Mondini (a performance artist), produced out of foam, which reflects decline as if gobbled-up by time, thus revealing the frailty of humanity and life in all its facets.
The Pompeian colors of Agatino Raciti, who shows the muscles of his figures providing them with extreme strength and power.
The sculpures of Rosario Salerno, whose figures reveal their attributes. The lonely boxer of Morgan Soli, presented as a powerful enigmatic loner, whose desolation in the face of its all-pervasive strength becomes visible looking into his eyes.
The thrones of Willi Bambach whose uninhibited phallus and vagina sets a highlight and thereby symbolising these as the gift for humanity’s experiences of lust and pleasure, acting as compensation in creating an awareness of its own transience.
The works of cosmopolitan South African artist Ivor Sias, who studied and lived in Italy, Florence and now resident in Germany invites the viewer into a palpable and immediate reality. The viewer has the feeling as if drawn into a well-known and recognisable situation.
The unconventional brazen and cheeky sculptures of Dominik Stahlberg, who through his work fight against a narrow-minded and inhibited consciousness, and living in Tuscany since many years.
Vernissage 18.06.2010 start at 6 p.m.
Max Mondini Performance during the vernissage.
Infantellina Contemporary
Taubenstrasse 20 - 22 (am Gendarmenmarkt) Berlin
Hours: Tu-Sa 2-7 p.m. and by Appointment
free admission