The Once and Future Queens. For the past year the artist has been placing ads on Craigslist and in newspapers in various US cities soliciting older woman to pose as glamorous movie stars. The pictures are collaborations: Each participant is asked to provide her own makeup, hair and wardrobe. As active players in the affair, the women are able to shape their individual portrayal.
Kopeikin Gallery is pleased to announce the first solo exhibition by Simone Lueck titled "The Once and Future Queens." This exhibition opens Saturday, September 18 and runs through Saturday, October 23. It is free and open to the public.
For the past year the artist has been placing ads on Craigslist and in newspapers in various US cities soliciting older woman to pose as glamorous movie stars. The pictures are collaborations: Each participant is asked to provide her own makeup, hair and wardrobe. As active players in the affair, the women are able to shape their individual portrayal.
The shows are fantasies, and the performance reflects each woman's perception of glamour. Through these private exhibitions, a culture of faded glamour emerges. The women are understood to be motivated by the desire to perform, as though this essential desire had been left idle and unfulfilled. While posing as a glamorous movie star, each woman is, for a moment, fulfilling her fantasy. The series reveals a world where faded glamour is glowing, harsh and beautiful.
"I live in LA and I like it here. I like that the palm trees were all planted at the same time. I like that Gloria Swanson played herself in Sunset Boulevard. I like that she had it, and then she lost it, and she didn't know the difference. I like that she buried her dead chimp in a satin lined casket. Making pictures in LA is good. It's like sifting through an old trunk filled with worn out fan letters and a bright blonde lock of hair from 1953." - Simone Lueck
Opening Saturday, September 18th from 7:34 (The end of Yom Kippur) -10
Kopeikin Gallery
2766 La Cienega Blvd (just north of Washington), Los Angeles
Our hours are Tuesday through Saturday from 11-17
free admission